Page 33 of Vipers Are Forbidden (Gods Among Men)
“Poor Heph, you are so fucking clueless. I go to bed early every night because I am sexting Eros. He’s got a filthy mind and keeps me amused. He and I have also played around, and it was fucking hot. I also go on a date every morning with Paris. He and I meet for coffee and end up making out like teenagers in the back of his car.”
“You’re lying. They would never betray Perseus like that.” I bang my fists on the table, and she starts laughing again.
“Perseus, your leader, the one who is supposed to hate me? Okay, he hates me, but he wants me just as badly. After I insinuated that he was a lousy lay, he felt the need to prove me wrong in the pool by showing me just how good he could fuck.”
“You lie.”
“Ask them.” She rises from the table and pushes back her chair. “You seem to think that no man could possibly want me.” Her hand is on my chest, and I hate how my heart hammers. “But you seem to the be only one who hasn’t made a move. Tell me, Heph, is it because you’re too loyal to Perseus? Or are you just not man enough to take what you want for yourself?”
“Lying little bitch! You think you can come between me and my friends?”
“Now there is a fun thought. Coming between a few of you all at once. I bet Paris, Perseus, and Eros would work so well together. They would make me come between them a few times.” She winks at me, and I can feel my face flush with anger.
“Tell another lie and see what happens,” I say between my clenched teeth.
“I’m not lying. Go ask them if you know them so well. You should be able to tell if they’ve touched me or not, right?” She pats my chest a few times, still chuckling before turning away from me. “Thanks for that. I really needed the laugh.” She heads upstairs.
I hate how seeing a bit more life in her makes that unease unravel.
She is lying. She has to be lying.
I send a text to the others, demanding a meeting now, and it takes about fifteen minutes for each of them to reach the billiards room.
“What?” Eros whines. “Some of us need our fucking beauty sleep, man. Not all of us get up with the sun like you and Perseus.”
“Why did I have to rush over here? I have plans in like an hour,” Paris says as he enters into the room.
“Plans?” I can’t believe the audacity of this man right now. “Plans, like your little date with the woman we are trying to destroy? And you…” I turn to Eros who is lying on the couch half asleep. “What’s wrong? Tired from spending all night sending dirty dick pics to that whore?”
“She isn’t a whore,” he yawns out. “She’s a virgin, and I wish I could get her to send nudes. Trust me, I am trying.”
“So, fucking what? How am I the only one not trying to tap that?” I ask.
“Because you know she won’t want you?” Paris offers.
“Nah, it’s because he just can’t get the stones to try something,” Eros says.
“You two know she has been messing around with all of you, and you don’t care?” I can’t believe what I am hearing.
“Well, she told me about sexting Eros,” Paris says, taking a seat on the couch.
“And I knew she had coffee dates with Paris,” Eros confirms. “I also know what she tastes like,” he adds as he licks his fingertips with a devilish grin.
“Calm down, Heph.” Perseus puts his hand on my shoulder.
“No.” I knock away his hand. “Fuck those two disloyal bastards, but you, too? I’m trying to take this woman apart for you, and you are fucking her in the goddamn pool?”
“What?” Paris and Eros say together, finally both taking this seriously.
“Calm down. Nothing has changed,” Perseus says calmly.
“How the fuck has nothing changed?” I snap. “You popped the girl’s cherry, and act like it’s no big deal?”
Perseus rolls his eyes, and I clench my fist. I would never hit him, however. Paris I might hit, Eros I will probably hit, but never Perseus. But that doesn’t stop the anger and frustration burning through my veins.
“My plans haven’t changed.” He looks me dead in the eye. “Nothing has changed. If she thinks our little moment in the pool means something, then that will make our job easier.”
I’m still not convinced, and he knows it.
“Paris,” Perseus calls out, not looking away from me. “Has anything changed on your end?”
“No,” he answers without hesitation.
“Is your plan still on track?”
“Eros,” Perseus says.
“Yo,” Eros replies.
“Are you still on board?”
“Has anything changed?”
“I’m jacking off a lot more and not sleeping around as much, but that’s it,” Eros answers. “Virgins aren’t my cup of tea, but now that I know she’s not one…”