Page 9 of Built for Her Love (Storm Hogs MC)
And I had the best night’s sleep I had in a long time.
When I woke up the next morning, Athena was still passed out on my chest. Being as gentle as possible, I slowly eased myself out from beneath her before covering her back up with the blanket. She mumbled something unintelligible before curling into a small ball on her side, never once fully waking up.
She was so fucking adorable.
I quietly slipped down the hall to her room before quickly getting dressed in my clothes from the day before. Once my boots were on, I found a notepad and a pen, writing her a quick note.
Last night was one of the best nights of my life, and I slept easier than I have in years with you in my arms.
I don’t want to leave, but I need to head to the clubhouse. Text me when you wake up, and we’ll arrange to get together again, if that’s something you’d like.
I hope you slept well, baby girl.
I set it down beside her phone before pressing a soft kiss to her forehead and slipping out of her apartment. I sighed as I lit a cigarette before heading down the stairs to my bike.
Now, I just had to face my brothers, and no doubt, they would be giving me a hell of a lot of shit for finally spending the night with a woman. And I knew without a doubt, Elliot would be the one to push all of the right buttons to make me lash out today because that man just didn’t know when to fucking quit sometimes.
“Look what the cat dragged in!” Elliot announced when I walked into the clubhouse. “And he’s still wearing last night’s clothes, too. Finally get laid, brother?” he teased.
I rolled my eyes, ignoring him. I headed straight for the coffee pot, wanting some caffeine in my system before I went to get a shower. Elliot, never one for knowing when to shut the fuck up, nudged me with his elbow, almost making me spill coffee all over the counter. I scowled at him, but he didn’t catch the hint.
“So, how was she? Tight? Hot? Bet she was fucking soaked. Strippers are normally the best sex.”
I calmly set the coffee pot down before spinning around and punching him so hard in the face, he crashed back against the counter. He cursed, blood spilling from his lips. Narrowing his eyes at me, he charged. My back hit the wall, but I blocked his hit, years of abuse on my side when it came to deflecting. I shoved my elbow into Elliot’s throat, and he choked, his hands going for my own.
“What the fuck?” Adler yelled, shoving us apart. I stumbled, my back slamming against the counter. My chest heaved with rage.
“He swung first,” Elliot wheezed, still rubbing his throat. But he didn’t look pissed—more just aggravated. It was hard to get Elliot angry.
I stepped closer to him, fury still burning through my veins, and Adler shoved his hand against my chest, shooting me a warning look to stand down. I pointed my finger at Elliot. “Say another fucking crude comment about Athena, and I’ll break your fucking neck,” I seethed.
Turning on my heel, I stormed off, no longer wanting coffee. I knocked my shoulder against Harlan’s when he didn’t move out of my way fast enough. He just stepped aside, going with the hit, letting me be. It wasn’t often I exploded, but when I did, everyone knew to give me space to cool the hell off.
Give me a few hours, and Elliot and I would be cool again. It wouldn’t be the first time he said some stupid shit to me anyway. He had a bad habit of not thinking before he spoke. I hoped the right woman came along one day and set his stupid ass straight or at least kept him in line.
I slammed my apartment door behind me hard enough to shake the walls.
A good morning gone to fucking shit.
Adler arched a brow at me as I headed toward my truck, which was parked right next to his. I’d been giving Elliot the cold shoulder all day, but he’d smartly kept his mouth shut. He knew he’d fucked up, and I also knew it would take him a minute to apologize.
He and I butted heads the most, but that was what brothers did. We fought. We made up. And we forgot the shit ever happened in the first place.
“You good?” Adler asked me.
I nodded once before I wrenched open my truck door and slid in. Athena was working this evening, and I was hoping I could steal her attention for the night. I knew Chelsea and Cecily wouldn’t care so long as I paid for her time like a normal patron. I didn’t like having to pay for her—didn’t want her to think I wanted her for just sex—but I wanted all of her. Everything she had, I wanted to take.