Page 86 of Tempted By Deception (Deception Trilogy 2)
“Boss’s orders.”
“Tell your boss to go fuck himself.”
“I’m afraid I can’t, but you tell him yourself if you like.”
My hold tightens on my bag as I glare at him. A look that he returns with a neutral one.
“Why is he doing this to me, Yan?”
“Honestly?” He lifts a shoulder. “No one but him knows.”
“You’re his guard.”
“Believe it or not, that doesn’t give me access to his complicated brain.”
I pause at the sarcasm. I always thought Adrian’s guards were as stoic as him, but Yan seems to be different. Despite being calm in my presence, he’s not as solemn-faced as Kolya. Besides, he’s pretty to look at.
“Do you know what he plans to do?” I ask.
“Not really.”
“Is he ever going to let me go?”
He winces. “I don’t know.”
“But he has a fiancée.” My lips tremble around the word. Is it supposed to hurt this much whenever I think of it or say it aloud?
“It’s tradition, miss. He’s supposed to marry into the brotherhood. Kristina Petrov is the daughter of one of the leaders and was handpicked to be Boss’s wife, to bear his heirs, and so on.”
Yan’s tone is nonchalant, meant to make me feel better, but it just manages to dig the knife in deeper. Kristina Petrov is not only the most suitable woman for Adrian, but apparently, she’s the perfect candidate, too.
“Then why is he betraying her with me?”
“He’s not.”
“He obviously is.”
He pauses. “It’s somewhat normal to have…”
“Mistresses?” I bite out, finishing for him.
He gives a hesitant nod.
“I’m nobody’s mistress,” I mutter from between gritted teeth. “If I have to fight Adrian tooth and nail to not be one, I will.”
“Please don’t.” He retrieves a pack of cigarettes. “May I?”
“Sure, I’m used to the smell.” I pause. “What did you mean by what you just said?”
He lights a cigarette and takes a long drag, then releases it through his nostrils. “If you use violence against him, you’ll be met with violence. I don’t have to tell you who will win in that case.”
“Do you suggest I stay silent?”
“I never said that. Just…be smart about it, miss. That’s the only way you can get anything from him. Boss is a practical man, and while he might seem robotic at times, he weighs everything and will always choose logic above anything else.”
I mull his words over in my head, finding them true. Going at Adrian full force would just blow up in my face.
“Thank you,” I say. At least Yan isn’t as desensitized as his boss.