Page 128 of Tempted By Deception (Deception Trilogy 2)
It’s over.
Not only did my escape plan fail, but I’ve also lost any sliver of freedom Adrian might have given me.
It was one thing to ask him to let me go, but acting on it is completely another. He’ll make it his mission to tighten the gilded cage around me until I eventually wither and die.
The ride back home is spent in silence. My hand trembles around Jeremy despite my attempts to steady it. I’m thankful he woke up, and I occupied myself by feeding him from the bottle. But he soon goes back to sleep, leaving me in the cruel presence of his father.
Adrian hasn’t uttered a word since he grabbed me by the elbow and ushered me inside the car. I didn’t even try to fight. What’s the point now that he’s caught me?
I wish he’d spoken, though. I wish he’d let go of his anger, because if there’s anything I’ve learned about Adrian during all this time, it’s that his emotions simmer under the surface, especially his rare anger. When he does release it, the one in his path—me—will be ruined beyond repair.
My throat fills with bile due to the sickening type of fear tugging at my stomach.
Even Yan shakes his head at me when we step out of the car. I lift my chin, although my teeth are chattering. I did what I had to do in order to protect myself and my baby. If I had the chance of a redo, I’d do it all over again. I won’t let anyone tell me I did something wrong.
Adrian grabs me by the elbow and drags me behind him up the stairs. I flinch when he unstraps the baby carrier and a sleeping Jeremy from my arms, and barks, “Stay there.”
Then he strides with his son to his nursery.
My throat constricts more by the second as I remove my backpack and coat with shaky hands. I remain in the middle of the bedroom like a prisoner waiting to be judged. Thoughts of what he’ll do to me invade my mind, magnifying by the second.
I can take his punishments, and although I will never admit it aloud, I do enjoy the depravity of them. But what if my punishment this time will surpass anything he’s done to me before?
I try arming myself with courageous thoughts, but nothing, absolutelynothingcould prepare me for the dead look in Adrian’s eyes when he returns to the bedroom. The sound of the door closing slices in my chest and sends a whole body shudder through me.
He’s wearing a black cashmere coat over his white shirt, but it’s not the clothes that make him seem broader and harsher. It’s the shadow across his face and the slight twist in his lips, as if he wants to rip someone to shreds with his bare teeth.
Adrian is a tall man, huge compared to me, but now, he seems to have gained more height, filling the room and my air with his unforgiving presence. Even his handsome face looks like the devil’s right now.
When he speaks, his dark, threatening voice sends my teeth chattering again. “Now, Lia. Why don’t you tell me where you were planning to go?”
I swallow past the solid lump in my throat.
“Where the fuck were you planning to go?” His voice increases in volume.
I flinch even as I lift my chin. “Anywhere but here.”
“Anywhere but here,” he repeats, musing as he stalks toward me. I’m tempted to step back, to escape his wrath, to put as much distance between us as possible. However, my feet remain glued to the floor.
I did nothing wrong. If anything, he’s the one in the wrong by exposing me and his son to this life when he knew we’d be in constant danger.
He stops in front of me, larger than life and scarier, too. “Did you say anywhere but here?”
“We’re not safe,” I blurt. “I don’t want to raise my child in a world where he could be killed any second.”
“If I hadn’t seen you, I would’ve found your corpse tomorrow or received a ransom call. Did I or did I not tell you that the moment you step a foot outside, you’re fucking dead?!”
I jerk at the building force behind his words. I finally manage to step back, startling when I hit the solid wall.
Adrian is on me in a fraction of a second, his hands slamming on either side of me. I can breathe his rage, his merciless wrath, and it’s even scarier than if he were touching me.
“Answer me, Lia,” he grinds out.
“You did.” I hate how my voice trembles.
“Apparently you didn’t listen, or you wouldn’t have put yourself and Jeremy in fucking danger. Did you want to witness his death before they kidnap and rape you, is that it?”
“No!” The images make bile rise to my throat once more. “I just…I just wanted to protect him from…from…”