Page 33 of Innocence: Complete Series
The weather is perfect today. Not too hot to just lay in the cabana all day. Daddy nibbles at my neck, making me smile even bigger. He’s right. I fit perfectly right here with him, and that’s all that matters.
“You’re not too hot are you little one?” He takes another small nibble at my neck, and I smile at the sensation.
“No, Daddy. Just a little bit thirsty.”
I turn in his arms, pressing my body against his. Today has been perfect. After my breakdown last night, Daddy has been treating me like a princess, and I’m loving every minute of it.
“Whipped cream?” He knows what I’m hinting at.
“Extra?” Batting my eyelashes, I try to work some of my magic to get what I want.
“One virgin strawberry daiquiri coming up.” Unwrapping himself from my embrace, he pulls himself from the daybed and stands over me. “Don’t go wandering out of the cabana in that bikini while I’m gone.”
His eyes roam over my little bathing suit. It was the only one I packed, and it’s way too small. The top looks obscene on me. My boobs hang out on either side of the triangles, and the tiny bottoms just barely cover up my lower lips. It holds so many memories, though, that I couldn’tnotbring it. When we were just swimming in the water next to the bungalow, Daddy seemed okay with me wearing it, but out in the public areas with the cabanas, he wants me within arm’s range.
“Why not?” I ask, bouncing up from the bed and slipping on my pink sunglasses. “What if I need to go for a quick jump in the ocean?”
He leans forward, pinching my nipple. I let out a squeak of shock as he rolls it between his fingers, looking straight into my eyes.
“This is why. You didn’t even notice you had slipped out of your top,” he growls, pulling a little on my nipple and making me yelp even louder.
“Fine,” I pout, dropping back onto the daybed.
“I’m starting to see why some parents use kid leashes. I could just tie you to the rail here and not have to worry.”
He grumbles and runs a hand across his stubbly chin that he hasn’t bothered to shave since we got here.
“You can’t tie me up!” I jump up onto the daybed. “What if I want to have a dance party?” I start dancing around the bed, waving my hands in the air.
“Do you want me to get your drink? Because I’m about to drag you back to our bungalow and fuck the dance right out of you.”
As he says this, three people walk by and turn to look at us. “Daddy!” I feign shock, but really I don’t care. I love when he gives me attention in front of people. I like everyone knowing I’m the center of his world.
“Sit down and wait for me to come back.”
I flop down on the daybed, making my movements as dramatic as possible.
“Be a good girl while I’m gone, or you won’t get to suck on Daddy’s cock when you nap this afternoon.”
I eye his crotch. That had better not happen. I’d never get to sleep if I couldn’t have him in my mouth. The feeling of suckling him as I drift off to sleep soothes me. I huff as he walks off, and I know that I need to behave.
Hours go by and Daddy still isn’t back. Okay, maybe not hours. Maybe, like, five minutes, but I start to sweat, and I need to cool off. I get up and go to the edge of the cabana and peek out to see if I can spot Daddy. When I look around, I don’t see him. I decide I probably have just enough time to dip in really quickly, and run back to the cabana to dry off before he gets back with my drink. He’ll never even know I was gone. I’ll be quick like a ninja.
Tossing my sunglasses behind me on the bed as I head for the beach, I look down to make sure my nipples aren’t showing and my kitty is fully covered up. I get to the edge of the water. I’m so engrossed in the sparkling blue ocean that I walk smack into someone, causing us both to fall into the waves.
I get caught up in the current, but before I can get my footing, a set of hands grab my arms and help me stand up.
“Wow. If I knew there was a set of tits like that under the shit you had on at the club, I would have looked past it.”
The saltwater burns my eyes, and I have to blink a few times to recognize the mean boy from the dance club last night. I see he has his eyes glued to my chest. I look down, thanking God my boobs didn’t fall out of my tiny top. He squeezes my arms a little, trying to pull me closer to him, and I start to panic.
“Get your hands off me.” I try to tug myself away, but his grip only tightens. Fear starts to spike up my spine, and I don’t know what to do.
“Oh, come on, don’t tell me you don’t want attention when you’re wearing something like that. Why don’t we go for a quick walk and—”
He doesn’t get a chance to finish that thought before he’s being pushed into the sandy waves, and I’m being lifted into Daddy’s arms.
“Daddy!” I nearly sob into his neck, thankful he’s here. I look back over my shoulder to see the boy getting up and out of the water. I feel Daddy tense glare at him.