Page 12 of Innocence: Complete Series
“You’re such a meanie!” I tease, throwing a pillow at him as hard as I can, then hiding myself under the sheets. I’m only protected by the sheets for mere moments before he rips them from me, pulling me from the bed.
“I’d give you a nice little spanking for that, but I think we’ve burned Maria’s ears enough for one day, and your father will be here soon.”
“Who’s Maria?” I ask. I glare at him to show my unhappiness at hearing another woman’s name come from his lips. Especially a name I’ve never heard before.
“Damn, you’re fucking cute when you try to look serious. No worries, sweetheart. Maria’s the housekeeper, and I’m sure she’s wondering what the hell is going on. So get that sweet little ass in the shower and meet me in the kitchen.”
“So there’s no way I can talk Daddy into helping me get clean?” For some reason I can’t get enough of him. I don’t even want to shower alone.
Growling, he grabs my hips, pulling me close. “I love that some of your shyness is starting to slip. Trust me, I would love nothing more than to go into the shower with you and have you wash my cock clean, but I sure as hell don’t want your father showing up while I have his daughter on her knees, deep-throating me.”
Giving my butt one last grab, Daddy pushes me towards the bath.
I rush to get done as quickly as possible, just pulling my hair up while I shower because there’s no need to wash it again after Daddy did it last night. Oddly, the idea of washing it myself makes me a little sad. I’m falling fast into the habit of depending on him, but it feels so natural, so right.
Using Daddy’s toothbrush, I brush my teeth, then rush to the bedroom to find clothes. Luckily, sitting on a chair, I find a bag someone must have packed for me. I dress quickly in a pink sundress with a pair of white cotton panties, and head towards the kitchen, leaving my feet bare.
When I enter the kitchen, William is sitting at the breakfast bar typing away at his laptop, and an older woman is cooking at the stove. “Morning, little one,” William says, looking up from his laptop. Before I can respond, the woman comes squealing at me.
“You must be Haley! The reason Mr. Darkling can’t get that smile off his face!”
I can’t help but blush. “Yes, I’m Haley, but I’m sure he smiles all the time.”
Releasing me and giving a little laugh, Maria walks back to the stove to flip the bacon.
“Well, I’ll let you and Maria get acquainted. I’m going to take a quick shower before your father gets here.” Leaning down next to my ear, he whispers, “I hate to wash off those pussy juices you coated my leg with this morning, but I can’t sit down to a meal with your father knowing I smell like your cum.”
“Da—um—William! I can’t believe you said that!” I push back from him.
His face suddenly turns deadly serious, causing my stomach to knot. “Haley, you listen now and you listen good. If we’re going to do this, then we’re going to do this. I understand if you don’t want to call me ‘Daddy’ in public. Or if we’re in front of your father and you don’t want to because it makes you feel awkward, that’s fine too. We’ll come up with something for when those times arise, but here in our home you will call me ‘Daddy’ and feel no shame or embarrassment about it. If someone doesn't like the way we live, then they can get the fuck out of our home.”
“Amen!” I hear Maria say from over at the stove.
“Ourhome, Daddy?” I question.
“Fuck yes,ourhome. Did I not make myself clear before? You’re mine and I’m keeping you.”
“What if my father tries to make me leave with him?” I whisper, scared at the thought.
“I dare anyone to try to keep you from me. I tried to stay away from you, little one, but I’ve never wanted a woman the way I want you. I will own every part of you. I’ll fight anyone to keep you and destroy anyone who stands in my way. You. Are. Mine.”
Leaning down, he gives me a deep, wet kiss, sliding his hands under my sundress to stroke my clit through my white cotton panties. I forget someone else is in the room until I hear Maria clear her throat.
“I’ll be back in ten. Try to keep her out of trouble, Maria. Don’t let that sweet face fool you,” he says as he strolls down the hallway toward his bedroom.Ourbedroom. I wonder if he’ll let me paint it pink. I don’t think it will take much to wrap him around my finger. I bet I can have that room pink by the end of the week.
“What has put that smile on your face, Haley? Was Mr. Darkling right? Are you already up to no good?” Maria asks as she starts pulling food from the stove and filling plates.
“Maybe a few ideas. A girl has to keep her Daddy on his toes.” I steal a piece of bacon off the counter, popping it into my mouth.
“Well, I think you’re exactly what Mr. Darkling needs. I haven’t seen him this happy in…well, I can’t even recall. It’s nice to see someone filling this house with laughter. I thought I entered the wrong home this morning.”
Realizing I have a few moments to maybe do some fishing about my Daddy, I seize the opportunity. “You mean no one else is ever here?” I try to make it seem like I’m making general conversation, but the look Maria shoots me tells me she’s wise to my game.
Taking a deep breath, Maria sets the pan down on the stove, turning to look directly at me. “I've been with Mr. Darkling for three years now, and aside from his weekly poker game or football on Sunday, no one is ever here. In fact, you’re the only woman I’ve ever seen in this house. Period. Well, besides myself. Get me?”
Nodding, I sit down at the breakfast bar. “Thank you. I don’t know why I’m panicking. I’m guess I’m just a little scared and a tad jealous at the idea of some other woman having maybe been here,” I admit.
“Normally, I wouldn’t share what I just shared with you, but I did it because I see the way you look at him and the way he looks at you. Mr. Darkling has been moping around this house for the past few years, and then today I walk in here and it’s like he’s finally woken up. I’m guessing you were the one to wake him.”