Page 50 of Minotaur's Secret Baby
My eyes widen but I let her continue. “You were so much kinder than I deserved. You were so much more than I thought too. You became everything I wanted and I had to push you away because if I didn’t, I thought I would lose myself to another minotaur and I was scared of that.”
Her hands are twisting in the blankets now. “But the truth is, I fell in love with you and now that I know you feel the same, I have to tell you the truth. Maybe for the first time since this all started,” she lets out a little self-deprecating laugh.
“And I’m sorry,” she says. “I almost screwed it all up with my idiocy and I love you and I hope you can forgive me and we can be together and start fresh.”
“Yes,” I tell her, silencing her with a swift kiss to her pert mouth. “I love you and I want to start fresh too. No more lies between us. Just honesty.”
“And this little guy,” Kyra adds softly, stroking over our son’s cheek. “It’s all I wanted. I thought he was my way to freedom but it turned out you were. Falling in love with you would have given me everything I wanted without the pretext and I wish I could take it back but I’m glad we can start anew.”
“I love you,” I tell her again. “Everything about you. I’ll never hurt you.”
Her eyes are shining now, her lip quivering. “Take me home,” she whispers. “Take me to our home.”
I oblige, scooping her up. Kyra has got a lot of recovering to do and right now she needs to focus on that. Phemes will watch our son and I’ll watch Kyra until she’s well enough for Traisus to come home.
Home. I smile at that.
Zy scoops me into his arms in order to escort us home, making me feel lighter than air. I give a small chuckle, and burrow into the warmth of his plush embrace- as he gives a few quick instructions to Phemes, regarding Traisus. Then we’re out the door and down the street, heading for home.
Home. Now it really will be a home, for all of us- a full home complete with a family.A real family as well, I think excitedly,one that will grow and flourish in spite of a checkered past.
Zykhus really can carry me as if I weigh nothing, and he doesn’t even set me down to open the door. Then we’re inside, and a sense of relief washes over me that I didn’t realize I needed until I felt it. He sets me gently on the bed, and before I can get any words out, he’s disappearing out of the bedroom.
I don’t have any time to puzzle his actions, as I hear a few noises coming from the kitchen. Then Zy is returning with a plate of cold cuts and a hunk of bread, as well as a glass of water.
He really does want to take care of me, I realize, and the thought has me blushing unexpectedly. It’s this simple gesture, more than anything, that shows me how sincere Zy was in his confession, laying all honesty bare. This is the man I love more than life itself.
“You need to eat and rest, in order to recover.” He explains gently, helping to prop me up by adjusting the pillows underneath me. His coddling is even more adorable than when he’s caring for our son, and I can’t help but pull him in for a kiss.
Now that I’m safely ensconced in the arms of the man I love, happiness overwhelms me. I push deeply into the kiss, the need for air only a secondary necessity.
Zy seems to share the feeling as well, because he kisses me back just as deeply, tongues tangling in an erotic dance. He pulls back after a few minutes of bliss, resting his forehead against mine as I grip at his torn collar.
“You’re injured, and you need to heal,” he murmurs, almost as if to convince himself. His breaths are roughened in the space between us, and I sigh joyfully at his lips.
“My injuries are minor, and Ineedyou.” I offer breathlessly, laughing when he groans lustfully in response.
“Damn little seductress,” he huffs playfully, nuzzling into my neck. His words are playful, not angry, and I sink into his affectionate touch.
He pulls back again to look at me, and I return his gaze, wondering at all the love I see there. Now there aren’t any walls between us anymore, and he cups my face delicately. “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to say no to you,” he admits softly.
“Then don’t,” I reply, whispering gently. “Just be gentle and take care of me.”
“I can do that,” he nods, lifting off of me. Rising up I move to follow him, but he shakes his head and guides me to lay back. “You rest, and let me take care of you, like you need,” he instructs as he gets up.
Obeying contentedly, I sink back into the comfy mattress, relieved to finally be able to relax after the day’s events. The physical and emotional toll are starting to catch up to me, and it’s only when Zy returns that I realize I’ve fallen asleep.
He sets a large basin down at the base of our bed, and sets up the towels. Then he’s climbing back onto the bed, and I realize he’s completely naked now, with planes of glorious muscle exposed to my vision.
I stare unabashedly, truly able to openly admire my man without reservation. He smiles and flexes a little as he gently unties the knots of my dress, pulling it easily down my shoulders. With a few more delicate tugs my dress is gone, and now the both of us are equally undressed, my curves to his angles.
Drawing me back into his lap once more, I snuggle happily in my new position, not oblivious to his erect member resting against my thighs. I shift to readjust, but Zy stills me with a firm hand.
“Kyra, have you ever had a sponge bath before?” I shake my head in response, and he gives a small chuckle. Draping the towels around us, he dips his large hand into the basin, and draws up a heavily soaked sponge.