Page 47 of Minotaur's Secret Baby
“I made sure he won’t ever come near you again. Let’s just say he knows better now that no one is going to be able to fuck with you. I took care of Kyra, the same way I’m always going to take care of you.”
“You… will?” she asks, tilting her head as her eyes dilate.
“Of course I will, no question in my mind. After all, you’re the mother of my child.”
And the love of my life, I only wish you knew that…
“Thank you Zy… I want you to know the same goes for you. I might not be big and strong but I won’t let anyone mess with you. You’ve given me something that no one else has, an amazing son.”
Smiling, I stroke her back as we cuddle. The urge to tell her how I feel is stronger than ever at this moment, yet something holds me back from doing so. Reflecting on how I acted tonight, I was beginning to wonder if I was coming off as possessive, despite the fact we were no longer romantically linked.
Then again, have I already gone too far without noticing? Would it drive her away to lay it all out for her? To once again wear my heart on my sleeve?
As I sit there listening to his words, something blossoms inside my heart. I can’t believe I was so stupid, I can’t believe I pushed him away. All I wanted was him, even at the worst of it I only thought about Zy.
I couldn’t admit it to myself for the longest time but Zy is everything I wanted in a man and a partner. It was stupid and foolish of me to try to seduce him, a dumb plan that led us to this mess.
But I don’t deserve him. Not after everything I did. He deserves better than me. And he won’t want me anyway. He’s only interested in keeping me around because of our son.
Tears slip down my cheeks and I brush them away before he can see. I swallow hard, forcing myself to keep the words that want to burst out on my tongue. I can’t force Zy into another situation just because of my own selfish needs. I know that we’ve found a good rhythm together, being parents and partners but that doesn’t mean we would be good together long-term.
Still, I stare at him and I’m swept up in his gorgeous green eyes. They’re shining bright and I might get lost in them if not for the hiccuping cries of our son that interrupt us.
Zy pulls away, leaving me alone on the bed with my thoughts. How stupid can I be? I never should have pushed to go back to working. It’s just that I didn’t want to be a burden on Zy. I didn’t want him to feel like he had to take care of me now that our son was here.
Convinced that if I just proved I could take care of myself, Zy would see I could be an equal partner to him and would want to keep me around. Instead, I walked right into the situation with my former master, giving him the opportunity to take his revenge on me.
Zy took care of things for me, like how he always does. The longing in my heart grows, nearly choking me with the force of the unsaid words that threaten to spill out. But I swallow them down when Zy brings me the baby and hands him to me, careful to avoid the bruised parts of my body.
“I just wish I was there to protect you,” Zy says, a growl in his voice. I know he’s blaming himself for not being around but it isn’t his fault. It’s mine.
“It’s not your fault. I insisted on working,” I tell him. “You did protect me, in the end. I know that Mosar will never bother me again thanks to you.”
“You better believe it,” he says. There’s a dark, dangerous glint to his eyes and I reach out and touch his arm.
“Thank you, again,” I tell him, my voice barely a whisper. “You have no idea how grateful I am to know that I don’t have to look over my shoulder in fear anymore from him. I know we’ve talked about it a little but he was truly awful.”
“I believe you,” Zy says, mouth downturned and brows furrowed. “You may have made a rash decision but after meeting him, I understand better why you did what you did back then. And it brought us this little one,” he says, stroking the downy soft curls on our son’s head.
I don’t know if he can ever forgive me but I’m grateful that I picked him either way. He’s so much better of a person that I am, so much better than I deserve. If only we’d met under different circumstances…
But there’s no use thinking that way right now. Not when I have a babe in my arms that needs tending. He gurgles and coos, waving a tiny fist around as he settles on my chest.
“I’m sorry,” I say, not able to bring myself to look at Zy right now. I’m still achy all over and stiff and sore. Evidence of my foolishness.
“Sorry for what?” Zy asks, bringing my chin up to search my eyes with his. “What are you apologizing for? You know that it’s not your fault that man attacked you, right?”
I nod and sigh. “I know. But I’m a burden right now. It’s going to take me a little longer to move out now that I’m still recovering.”
Zy pulls back, staring at me with an unreadable expression, brows drawn together. “What? Move out?”
“Well, yes. I know that our arrangement was only in place until I was on my feet again after the birth,” I say, uneasiness growing in my belly.
Zy shakes his head, the expression on his face changing. “Don’t be silly,” he says, his voice firm. “You’re not going anywhere.”