Page 42 of Minotaur's Secret Baby
“Even in the face of the law, you still have the guts to lie. I know not whether to admire your bravery or laugh at your stupidity.”
I hear the click of a lock through the door. It’s smaller in frame, meaning it’s also nowhere near as thick as the front door. His efforts to keep me away do only two things; make me laugh and prolong his suffering.
This time, I unleash a kick with the strength of a thousand equus. The door flies forward. Mosar narrowly dodges, falling back onto his table as I enter his kitchen.
“I did nothing, I swear on my mother’s life.”
“You sick bastard, how could you say that?” I snap. “Besides, that’s not what the bruises on Kyra’s body say.”
His eyes widen.
“I… I have no idea whom you’re talking about!”
“Your lying is beginning to get on my nerves, you vindictive bastard,” I snarl.
He collapses onto the floor, crawling back on his hands until his back hits the wall. There, he shrivels up, curling like a dead yillese. He raises his hands in a plea for mercy.
“Wait, hold on now we can be reasonable about this!”
“Didn’t think of telling yourself that before laying a hand on Kyra?”
“Okay, I confess,” he quips. “I didn't know she’d be there, just thought I would stop by for a drink and I saw her there.”
“Is that supposed to be an excuse? Why couldn’t you just leave her be?”
At that moment, he grabs a fallen cloth and flings it at me. In my distraction, he clambers to his feet and makes a beeline for the backdoor to my left. Unfortunately for him, he’s far too slow and clumsy as I scruff him by the neck in his attempt to flee. I throw him to the opposite wall, leaving an indent on where he lands.
“I know your connection to Kyra, she used to work for you under an Indenture contract.”
“You…” he coughs. “You don’t know anything.”
“I know everything because it was me who got her out of the contract.”
“So it was you, you thief!”
“Really? You’re going to take the moral fucking high ground? I’m taking you in!”
“Where?” he stutters.
“You’re going to face trial and justice for your actions Mosar. You’ve roamed the streets freely for far too long!” I yell, pointing an accusatory finger at him.
“No, you- you can’t! Don’t you know what they do to those convicted of crimes? They’ll use me as fodder for the arena! I won’t survive a day!”
“Then you should have thought about that when you laid a hand on Kyra. Even then, that’s still a fate far too easy on criminal scum like you.”
“Hold on a minute, we can talk this out!”
I’ve got to make sure he can never come near Kyra ever again.
As I step closer, he moves onto his knees and throws his hands together in a begging motion. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen a minotaur do that.
“I’ll pay you! Yes, that’s what I’ll do if you let me go! I’ll give you whatever I have stowed away, I’m a shopkeeper too, so on top of that I’ll put in a good word with other shop keepers around here, so you and Kyra can get discounts everywhere you go!”
His offers only make me chuckle. In confusion, he nervously joins along as I begin to laugh louder. He rises to his feet and comes closer.
“So, do we have a deal then?”
I suddenly stop laughing, a move that wipes the smile from his face.