Page 37 of Minotaur's Secret Baby
“I’ve been… well, pregnant,” I laugh. “As you were not long ago, when did you have yours?”
“About three months ago!”
“Well you look great Nova.”
“So do you. Now tell me everything, when did you have yours?” she asks as we make our way to the bar.
“Last week.”
“Last week?” she gasps. “And you’re back on your feet already?”
“Now you’re beginning to sound like Zy,” I say, rolling my eyes.
“Wait a minute, Zy?” she quips, tilting her head. “Is he still in the scene?”
“Oh,” I mutter, waving it off. “It’s complicated. Another story for another time.”
“Well congratulations anyway, I’m proud of you. How are you finding motherhood thus far?”
“Rewarding,” I laugh. “Zy has been looking after our son for the most part, just while I’ve been resting up.”
“That’s good. The body has a lot of readjusting to do once you’re baby free. You said it’s a boy, what’s his name?”
“That’s a nice name, very minotaur-like.”
“So listen, I came here to see if you still need a hand around here? I’m in need of some money.”
“Oh yeah absolutely! Lucky for you, the owner Pantoran is here tonight. He’s just in the back, I’ll go get him.”
Nova spins around and skips to the back. I look around at the tavern before realizing I’m sitting in the very same seat that I saw Zy in. I smile at the thought of him, and further so when I think of him watching over Traisius.
Just then, Nova re-emerges from the back room. Following behind her is Pantora, the owner of the Broken Horn Tavern. He stretches nearly seven feet in height, boasting a large frame with black fur and a silver nose ring that gleams in the reflection of the light. Living up to the name of his tavern, he brandishes a broken right horn on the top of his head.
“Hello there,” he says, sticking his hand out. “Kyra, right?”
“Yes sir, you must be Pantora,” I reply, shaking it. “I see what you did by naming the tavern as it is.”
“Ha! I’m glad you do. So then, it's my understanding that you’re looking for a job?”
“That’s right, though nothing too heavy. I only gave birth last week.”
“That’s okay. Firstly, congratulations, secondly, when are you available to start?” he asks.
“Tonight,” I reply with a smile.
“Great! So we’ll start you off with cleaning tables and glasses, as well as pouring the occasional drink. Nova here will be on hand to show you the ropes.”
We shake hands once more, thus starting my first shift. I immediately went to work joining Nova behind the bar, cleaning and arranging glasses. During that time, we watch up on what’s been going on in our lives over the past few months.
“In a strange sense, it seems like only yesterday I was sitting at that stool, relenting on how I was going to get out of my Indenture contract.”
“Crazy how quick time can pass. Did that all get sorted out for you?” asks Nova.
“Yeah, thank the gods. I never ended up seeing Mosar again after Zy agreed to sign the paperwork for me. I hope to never see that scumbag again, he can rot for all I care.”
“Well you don’t have to worry, I’ve never seen him here. The regular customers at the tavern are actually quite nice and often leave tips for us so I usually end up taking home a bit of extra cash.”