Page 34 of Minotaur's Secret Baby
She closes her eyes as a smile etches across her face. I take a seat on the edge of the bed, gazing down at my baby boy with love.
“Welcome to the world Traisius,” I whisper, kissing him on the forehead.
This is my life now,I think to myself. Traisius’s wailing comes to a cathartic halt as I cradle him. He reaches out a miniscule hand, touching my cheek and mouth. He then gurgles and nestles into my arms, burying himself into my chest.
At that moment, I remember Kyra’s arrangement. I recall that she’s only supposed to stay with me until the baby came, but it had been quite some time since that was last discussed. Looking at Traisius, the last thing I wish to do is part from him, and so I wonder if perhaps Kyra feels any different.
I turn to her now, seeing she’s completely overcome with fatigue. Now is not the time to ask her.
You may not be my forever right at this moment Kyra but… I want nothing more than for the past to remain in the past.
I think back to how things first started between her and I, initially ending just as soon as it began. So much hurt and heartbreak in so little time with ignored feelings… I ponder if we can even get back to where we once were. I peer down at Traisius and bring his ears close.
“You two are all I really want in my life.”
Just then, Phemes strolls up the opposite side of the bed, bringing with him a pail of hot water and a cloth. He places the bucket down and submerges the cloth within. The aroma of rirzed herb rings through the air. Phemes removes the cloth, wringing it before pressing it to Kyra’s head.
In the meantime, I’m gently rocking my son from side to side while Kyra falls into a much needed slumber. I reach a hand out and take hers in my grip, rubbing the back of her hand with my thumb.
“Get some rest Kyra, you’ve earned it,” I whisper before turning to Traisius. “I’m going to do all I can to make this life mine for the rest of time.”
* * *
A few hours have passed.The noise in the room has gone from screams of labor and wailing cries to the soft pops and crackles of the fireplace and the pouring of water. I bring a mug of tea to Kyra’s bedside. She sits awake but in an exhausted state.
I get in bed beside her and take her hand. She looks at me, a sense of relief apparent in her eyes.
“How are you feeling?” I ask her.
“Well, given the fact I just gave birth today, I’m about as energetic as a senile old man,” she laughs.
“I can imagine,” I chuckle. “Our son is sleeping well.”
I point to a nearby wooden cot, where there comes the sound of soft, gentle breathing. Every few minutes, Traisius kicks his feet out, causing the cot to rock back and forth for a while until it returns to a standstill.
“You did so well,” I tell Kyra, rubbing her hand. “I can’t tell you enough.”
“He’s a handsome boy.”
“Like his father,” I reply, chuckling. “So Kyra, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.”
She shifts, turning her body to face me.
“What is it?” she asks.
“Well, now that the child is here… What are you going to do?”
Please don’t say you’ll move away.
“The plan was always to get a job at the Broken Horn Tavern once I gave birth. Remember that girl Nova?”
“Your friend.”
“Yeah, her. She promised to sort me out with some work. First I just have to get myself back to normal, then I’ll pick up a job there as soon as I can manage.”
“So I see…” I mutter. I hesitate asking the next question, fearing the answer she’ll give me. “And what about where you’ll be staying?”
“Well…” she begins.