Page 24 of Minotaur's Secret Baby
“I can’t live like this,” I remark. “Perhaps I ought to ask my boss for the daytime shifts. If I sit around here all day sulking over Kyra, I’ll end up drinking myself to death.”
At the thought of her, I become saddened, a small pain aching inside my chest. Never had I opened myself up to someone like that, only for them to rip it out and stomp on it until it was reduced to nothing.
“Was that all I was to her? A piece of meat for her to fuck? I can’t believe it, I only wonder why she did that…”
After washing myself, I dry myself off. I wipe the condensation off my mirror, revealing a broken and tired minotaur staring back at me. Ignoring him, I proceed with getting dressed. As I slip on a shirt, there comes a sudden knock on my door.
“Who could that be? I don’t get any visitors anymore.”
I storm to my door. Opening it, I see standing there the last person I ever expected to see again. Kyra stands with her hands raised in the air. Written on her face is a grimace, obviously knowing I wouldn’t be happy to see her.
“You’re not welcome here anymore,” I say.
“Wait, hear me out, please!”
“What do you want?” I snap. “Come here to throw oil on the flames? Why would I hear you out, Kyra?”
“I know you’re angry, but right now I need you.”
I laugh, shaking my head.
“Please, you’re the only person who can help me right now.”
Looking into her eyes, I see in them a seriousness that can’t be faked, not even by the most skilled scammers on the streets. There’s a glimmer of desperation and hope in them that gnaws at me. Letting out a defeated sigh, I motion for her to come inside.
This better be good.
Kyra makes way for my table, taking a seat at it. I saunter to my pot, filling it with water.
“Can I get you a drink? Some tea perhaps?” I ask.
“Zy, I’m pregnant.”
I look up blankly at the wall in front of me. Even with my back turned to her, I can feel her forlorn gaze on me. The news comes as a complete shock, entirely resetting my mind as I’m overcome with excitement. I peer down at my shaking hands. Enclosing them into fists, I take a deep breath before turning around.
“You’re… pregnant?” I ask.
“Yeah, a healer confirmed it for me. Before you ask, yes it’s yours.”
I open my mouth to speak. Suddenly, I’m hit with a reminder of her words to me that night before she stormed out.
“Are you sure it’s mine?”
“Yes, why would I lie to you?”
“No, don’t fucking say that,” I snap. “You led me on, only to call our time together a release. For all I know, you could have been going around and sleeping with others too.”
“Alright, alright,” retorts Kyra.
“I’m just telling it how I see it,” I growl.
“Look Zy, I know you’re still angry over what happened between us but you’re the only person that I’ve been with in a long time.”
She wears the truth plainly in her eyes as she keeps them locked on mine.
“Fine, if you say it’s mine then I believe you. Why are you here then? Just to tell me you’ve been knocked up?”
She recoils, a pained expression comes over her face. For a second, I want to rush to her side and apologize for the insult but I’m too deep in my own pain to do so.