Page 22 of Minotaur's Secret Baby
“Yes, Mosar.”
“Good girl,” he chuckles. The front door opens and shuts loudly. As soon as he is gone, there is a sudden weight relieved from my shoulders.
“Okay,” I whisper to myself. “Time to get out of here.”
I head back to the bedroom, slipping on some baggy, long sleeved clothing that’ll cover up my wounds. I then wash my face and apply some makeup to hide any further bruising. On my way out the door, I decide to stop at the Broken Horn Tavern first.
I should go ask Nova for some advice in case I’m pregnant.
Opening the door to the tavern, I walk inside, seeing there’s only two customers present. It’s only the morning so it’s normal for this time of the day. I approach the bar, waving at Nova as I take a seat. She comes over, wearing a warm smile across her face as she leans her elbows down on the counter.
“Hey Kyra! You’re here extra early today. How are you doing?” she asks.
“To be honest, not very well.”
“Did something happen?” she says, her tone suddenly becoming concerned. She lays a hand on mine.
“Mosar caught me as I was sneaking back into the house last night.”
“Fuck, did he do something to you?”
“Yeah,” I mutter, casting a downward gaze. “He beat me within an inch of my life… I guess the old bruises and the new are starting to blend together.”
What a sad fucking existence,I think to myself.
“By the gods…” whispers Nova. “There has to be something that you can do. What about Zy? Surely he can protect you against him?”
I let out a sigh of defeat.
“Yeah, I’m not so sure about that,” I say. “I broke things off with him last night.”
“What?” recoils Nova. “Why? I thought you two really liked each other.”
“It’s complicated, alright?” I snap. “Besides, I was never really into him in the first place.”
She shoots me a strange look, seeming as though she’s unconvinced. I silently pray she doesn’t prod me any further about my feelings for Zy.
“Alright,” she mutters. “Well, at least tell me what happened between you two.”
“He kept talking to me last night, implying that he wanted to take things further. I knew then I had to slip out, especially because I didn’t want Mosar seeing I wasn’t at his house when he woke up.”
Nova nods along, listening attentively as I speak.
“I was in the middle of getting dressed when he suddenly woke up. He asked me to stay so… I just had to come up with an excuse. I told him what we had was just a sexual release, that I didn’t want him as a romantic partner.”
“Oh Kyra, why did you handle it like that?”
“Look, I panicked okay? Besides, I was going to have to break it off with him sometime, and in the moment I figured that excuse would keep him off of my back.”
I glance to the exit, keen on leaving for the healer.
“I came to ask you about something. I could be pregnant with Zy’s baby. We’ve been sleeping together every night for three weeks and my period is a day late. I’m going to the healer today to check everything.”
“Shit, really? If you are then you could get out of your Indenture contract!”
“Exactly, after today, shit could start turning around for me. I just wanted to ask about your pregnancy and how you got out, did you need-”
There comes a sudden uproar from the entrance as a massive party arrives, shouting and cheering as they come to the bar.