Page 11 of Minotaur's Secret Baby
Zy is easily the most handsome man I’ve ever met—human or minotaur. He’s also kind and funny, making me laugh at his stories...I don’t want to say goodnight.
And he’s distracting, with his burly muscles, strong jaw, thick horns...and even the scar above his right eye just makes him look more dangerous, more mysterious. I want to get to know him, inside and out.
I shake myself out of my thoughts, annoyed at the fact that I’ve lost sight of the mission. I’m not here to fall in love. I’m here for one thing and one thing only—to get pregnant so I can end my contract with Mosar.
Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t let myself get close to Zy. There’s no way he’d help me if I told him what I planned. He’s used to one-night-stands, as a member of the guard, he won’t even care if he never sees me again and that’s what’s best for everyone.
Part of me is regretting choosing him though. I could see myself falling for him so easily, if I let myself. I wish I’d picked someone more forgettable, less interesting, less handsome...someone I could walk away from without a second thought.
I have to stay strong. My only shot at getting out of my contract is getting pregnant. If I have to endure another four years with Mosar, I don’t think I’ll survive. Having no family to take me in, this is my only option.
So instead of yearning for what I can’t have, I’ll just focus on the outcome. Even if I can’t be with Zy for real, I’ll be carrying a piece of him for the rest of my life. It’s the best that I can have.
“How long will you be staying tonight?” I ask, running my fingers over his hand again. Zy looks down at my fingers and I can feel his muscles tense up.
“Ah...I’m off tomorrow, so I can stay as late as I want,” he says slowly, his muscles relaxing under my continued touches.
“Great,” I grin. “I like that. You’ll stay with me then? Keep me company?”
“I...I can do that,” he says, swallowing.
“I’m glad. I like spending time with you,” I tell him, gazing into his eyes. “You’re fun to be around.”
“I like spending time with you too,” Zy tells me. I can feel the tension between us now. It’s thick and heavy, the air almost crackling between us.
Even though it’s getting late and I came here for a reason, a part of me is almost dreading the next step. It’s not that I don’t want it or that I’m scared—it’s just that it means that I’m officially putting the sand in the hourglass on our time together.
So instead of pushing for more, I simply relax and sip my ale, listening as he tells me another patrol tale. “And that’s why I never eat frisse before patrol anymore,” he finishes, making me chuckle.
I swallow the rest of my ale and wipe my mouth on the back of my hand.
“You wanna get out of here?” I ask, feeling emboldened all the sudden. “Maybe we can go watch the stars?”
Zy seems surprised by my request but stands and follows as I lead him through the tavern, out the back. It’s now or never, I decide, and push myself up on tiptoes, pressing my mouth to his, kissing him soundly.
Moonlight pours down, bathing the alley behind the tavern in blue-black light. The sounds of the city and the night float around us, distant and muted, and the world is dim. I can’t think or focus on anything but the human woman in my arms.
Her mouth surges into mine, warm and soft, her body inviting me further in with its delectable curves. I have no choice but to follow, pressing her against the stone wall as our tongues battle fiercely.
I have been dreaming about this woman for days now, lovely Kyra, and now that she is in my arms, I won’t waste another moment. Using my strength, I press against her even more, effectively trapping her between the alley wall and my hard body.
She tastes even better than I imagined. Her tongue sweeps over mine, the muscle massaging inside my mouth, and I groan lustfully. This woman has weaved a spell of desire around me, and I find myself happily captivated.
Kyra pulls back minutely, when the need for air becomes distracting. My own mouth follows hers closely, finding a new path to trace along her neck and collarbone. Her skin is a warm contrast to the cool night air, and she tastes like something decadent.
I could feast on her for hours, and not get tired of her taste. I want more, crave more- and her scent fills my nostrils as I nibble on her skin, ancient instincts to take, to claim rising up.
“I’m sorry, I- I don’t know what came over me,” she gasps through swollen lips. She pants against my ear, her breaths only driving me to take her mouth again in another deep kiss.
“Don’t apologize, just kiss me,” I order instead, after another minute. Kyra obeys happily, as our lips lock again and again. We continue to kiss, wrapped up in each other in the shadows of the alley.
My hands aren’t idle either. They travel over her body, gripping and squeezing what I can through her dress. This dress has been tempting me all night, every fold and twist showing off supple curves.
Rounded breasts I grope greedily, while I grip enticing thighs. She moans with every touch, and it only drives my ardor. Primal instincts are driving me at this point, pushing me to mate with her, encouraging her sounds and motions.