Page 7 of Risky Behavior: Submitting to the Ruthless Guard
“Order up! Two omelets full of all the good stuff. Along with some juice for the lady and a black coffee for the brute.”
“Thank you, Andrew. I really can’t thank you enough,” she said with a small smile in his direction before digging in.
Talia barely made it through half her breakfast before she looked as if she were to be sick, but was doing her best to hide it. “Are you ready to head up and relax for a bit?”
“Is it that obvious?”
“A little, but I get it.”
I brought our dishes to the sink and was shoved off by a young girl who worked in the kitchen. She took everything from me and gestured at Talia. When I turned back to her, she was looking rather unsteady on her feet.
“You okay to walk?”
“Yeah, of course,” she said with a sideways smile. “I’m just a little tired. There’s been a lot of excitement for little old me over the last twelve hours.”
I smiled down at her and offered her my arm to steady her stance before we made our way back to her room. She didn’t waste any time once we got there and crawled into bed, closing her eyes almost immediately.
“Yes, Little Bird.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
I pulled the covers over her body and as much as it killed me not to climb in behind her, I took a seat at the table in the corner.
“You’ll be here when I wake up?” she murmured.
“Of course.”
The rest of the afternoon I spent going through security footage and taking notes from when she arrived. I was only five days in by the time she woke up. I could sense her awake before she said anything. Her breathing was the background noise I had gotten used to, but when she woke, it changed. Her body tensed and then her fists clenched the sheets. At first I thought she had been dreaming, but when a muffled cry came out, I knew she was suffering. By the time I made it to the side of her bed, Talia’s entire body was shaking. I got down on my knees in front of her line of sight, trying my best not to frighten her.
“Talia, look at me.”
The tears only came harder, and I realized I was way outside of my level of expertise.
“Please, Little Bird... open your eyes. You’re not alone anymore.”
I risked reaching out, but when my hand touched her arm, her eyes shot open and a look of pure terror came over her. The only thing I could think of doing was to hold her until the pain of the memories went away. I stood up and walked around the other side of the bed, slipped my boots off, and crawled in. I sat up against the headboard and pulled her small body into my lap. She didn’t fight me, but her cries continued. I held her to me tightly, hoping I wasn’t causing her any physical pain in the process.
It took a long time before she calmed down, and I heard her small voice.
“He’s an evil man. Worse than you could ever imagine. I dreamed of a happily ever after when we signed up for this and they served me up a nightmare of epic proportions.”
“I’m sorry it all happened this way. I promise I will do whatever I can to keep you safe.”
“I think you’re too late. He already broke me.”
“How many times have you seen him since you’ve been here?”
“The first week they brought me to him every day. Every day for seven days. Each day was different. At first I didn’t know what to expect, but once I did, I fought back.”
“I’ve been watching security footage, but the inside of his room isn’t included in it. The second night you were here, I saw them bring you to his room, but there was someone already there from what I could tell of the hallway footage. What happened?”
“He made me watch him fuck her... and it was terrifying. The first night he told me he had certain needs that I would fulfill, but the other woman had their roles as well. I would be married to him and have his children, but the women would always be there to take care of other needs of his.”
“Like what?”