Page 5 of Risky Behavior: Submitting to the Ruthless Guard
Dare to Dream
IthoughtIheardhim wrong. Raven? My Raven? When I went to ask him more, he slowly shook his head no and turned me back in the direction I was in before the young woman came in with my pills. He ran the comb through my hair again, but his breath on my neck was a new sensation all together. Being this close to a man like Leo was fucking with my head. There was no way he knew Raven, but if he did, did that mean that I might stand a chance of surviving this?
In a low voice, I heard him again, “Not here.”
Looking up at the cameras, I knew what he meant. Everything I did was being watched. It may not be Miles, but it was someone who was working for him. He had paid a pretty penny for my hand in marriage, something he never let me forget when he saw me, and protecting his investment was the only thing he was concerned about. After Leo had finished with my hair, I took the comb and made my way back into the bathroom. I stood in the mirror and barely recognized myself. It had only been a few short weeks, but I had lost so much. It wasn’t until Leo mentioned changing that I even realized I had been dressed in the same clothes for far too many meals. Which meant days had gone by with people in and out of here and I’d just let them see me as I was. At that point, it felt like there was nothing more anyone could take from me. I had been beaten, violated, and cursed. All I wanted to do was give up. Then he walked in.
“Are you okay?”
Leo’s voice caught my attention, and I saw him standing in the bathroom doorway, watching me run my fingers over the bruise on my face.
“Yes, I’m fine.”
“Let’s get some food in you and we’ll head outside for a while. On the way back, I’ll stop by the kitchen and we will get you an actual meal. If Carter wants you alive, then he’s going to need to do a better job of keeping you that way.”
We sat at the table where the girl had left another peanut butter sandwich.
“I imagine after this you may never eat peanut butter again.”
“You are right, and it’s a shame, too. I used to love the stuff.”
“How long has it been like this?”
“The first night he scared me and I fought him off. They threw me in here when he realized I wasn’t going to give in easily. At that point, I got regular meals, clean clothes and the windows were open. But then something happened, and it was bad. Really bad and I kind of lost it. After that, the sun went out, and the pills started. I think it’s been over a week now, maybe longer. It’s kind of hard to tell.”
Leo nodded and the look he gave me wasn’t one of pity, but anger. His anger over what had happened to me was fueling some type of rage deep inside of him. A man his size was intimidating, sure, but looking at him now, he seemed terrifying. There was no sadness for me, only the ruthless anger that he was doing his best to tamp down given our current situation.
“Are you okay?”
He cleared his throat and gave me a forced smile. “Yes, I’m fine.”
“You’re lying.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Because that’s what I say when I lie.”
I shoved the last bit of sandwich in my mouth and drank down the sip of remaining water before standing and going in search of a pair of shoes. They had only given me flip flops, so it wasn’t like I could make a run for it in a decent pair of sneakers. I reached for them at the bottom of the empty closet and paused. The thought alone of running hadn’t crossed my mind in days… weeks, maybe. I wasn’t sure who Leo Rand was yet, but he gave me the desire to dream again. A dream that had felt pointless for so long because my situation was dire.
When I turned back to him, he was clearing up the table. That’s when I looked around and actually took in my living space.
“You cleaned.”
“I needed something to do while you were in the shower. We’ll get you fresh linens and clothes today, too. Let’s head out for a walk first, then I’ll take you with me and introduce you to some of the staff that can help.”
I nodded, unsure of what to think, but as I stepped forward, I couldn’t help but laugh. Leo had unlocked the door and stood there, holding it open in one hand. In the other was the lamp I had decided was my only proper weapon last night when he arrived.
“I thought maybe you’d like to carry it.”
I smiled, which only made the cut on my lip hurt. “I think I’ll be okay today. But I appreciate the gesture.”
I stepped out my door and into an empty hallway. I had never left this room of my own free will. Miles always sent men to drag me out of here. Each time had been more traumatic than the last. I felt Leo’s hand at my back, nudging me forward. “I’m right here. Whenever you’re ready.”
Looking up, I nodded to him and he made his way down the hall with me sticking close to him. I didn’t trust anyone, but for some reason, his man who had awakened parts of me I thought were dead was now the only person who might help me survive this. We walked in silence and by the time we reached the back of the large courtyard, I finally felt as if I could take a deep breath.
“This is amazing. Thank you.”