Page 32 of Risky Behavior: Submitting to the Ruthless Guard
It all felt like something out of a fucked-up fairytale. I watched over her as she slept, thinking through what still needed to be done. Everyone I had enlisted to help me at Carter’s home had been let go, which made sense. The intel we’d gathered was enough to put him away, but the anger that still ran through me over what he had done to Talia wouldn’t let go. It was rooted so deep inside me I wondered if I could go through with a legal takedown. Noah had always chosen death over anything else, and I was thinking my brother wasn’t as unhinged as I always thought he was. I pulled Talia closer to me and decided Carter didn’t deserve to live. A meeting with Massimo would need to take place in the morning or I would end up causing more problems here than we needed. But after that I’d take her back to the states. Dante and his men could look after her, since Noah was tied up. I didn’t want to drag Beckett into any more of this than needed. He and Raven had their own problems they were working through. My Little Bird wouldn’t like it, but she would need to wait for me to finish what I started so we could move on with our lives.
Meeting with Massimo
Atthispointinmy life, things shouldn’t surprise me anymore. When they do, I end up with an uneasy feeling that won’t go away, and sitting at a table in the center of a restaurant that was closed with the head of the De Bartoli crime family really ratcheted up that feeling of unease.
“Tell me, Talia, what do you think of our beautiful country?” Massimo asked as he reached for his glass of wine. The man’s eyes never seemed to leave me, and it made me massively uncomfortable. Even as he ate his meal, he always seemed to look in my direction. Leo’s grasp on my knee tightened just slightly, pulling me out of my thoughts.
“I think beautiful is an understatement. I’ve spent my whole life in New York City, and other than two vacations and my recent stint in California and Toronto I have seen little of the world.”
“Something I hope Leo will fix for you.”
“I will. We have some things we need to take care of first, but once that is settled, I will give Talia anything she wishes.”
“And what are those things, exactly?”
Leo took a sip of his drink, leveling a stare at Massimo. The tension in the room waxed and waned throughout the night. It was impossible to tell if the two men were best friends or in the middle of a pissing match.
“Talia found herself in a tight situation with someone that shouldn’t have any control over her. Like I mentioned over the phone, we came to Italy to let the dust settle.”
“Yes, you said that. I’m assuming this is the problem you are having with Miles Carter?”
If Leo was surprised that Massimo knew about what had happened, he didn’t show it. “Yes.”
“And what are your plans?”
“I will kill him.”
“And Talia? Where will she be?”
“I think you know that already, don’t you, Massimo?”
The man leaned back in his chair with a smile on his face. He was strikingly handsome, with a square chin that had only a slight bit of stubble. His hair and eyes were so dark they were nearly black and he was dressed in a perfectly tailored three-piece suit. A little too put together for my liking, but a good-looking man just the same.
“I wouldn’t be asking otherwise. I have concerns about Talia staying with the Corsetti’s while you are gone. As you know, my sister Alesia is very close with them and I don’t want this business of yours interfering with her work in New York City.”
I looked at Leo, shocked by what Massimo said. He hadn’t told me anything about staying with anyone but him. I certainly would not insert myself into the lives of complete strangers while he traveled to California to kill Miles. There was no way I’d stand for that. I leaned forward to express all of that, only for Leo’s hand to tighten in warning. He never turned his face, didn’t even bother to be concerned with my thoughts as he continued to talk.
“Neither I nor The Dark Kings would ever risk anything happening to your sister, their wife or their children. Ideally, my brother could care for Talia while I finish what I need to, but as you know, he is currently tied up with another job.”
“Messy business, that was.”
Leo nodded, and I put my hand over his, pinching the hell out of it to indicate how angry I was. If we weren’t in a room with Massimo De Bartoli and seven of his armed guards, I’m certain I would have had a harder time keeping my cool.
“We don’t know what the future will bring, but I can assure you Talia isn’t just another woman. She is mine and I will do anything I need to protect her. I’m sure you can understand that.”
For the first time all night, Massimo’s gaze left me and Leo. He looked off into the distance and his rough demeanor seemed to crack a little at the seams for only a second. When he looked back at Leo, he nodded and stood, reaching his hand out.
“Very well then, I wish you safe travels back to the States. Please send my love to my sister when you see her.” The men shook hands and Massimo turned to me. “It was nice to meet you, Talia Crawford. If you survive this nightmare, please come back to Italy someday.”
He pulled me in for a brief hug before Leo and I made our way out to the car. There were a surprising amount of people out front, most of whom likely worked for Massimo. A few I recognized from the market and as I got into the SUV, I couldn’t help but think I was living in some kind of crazy mafia movie.
Leo got in and started the car. “I know you are mad. Let me get onto the highway before you start in on me.”
I rolled my eyes and looked out the window, noticing why he had asked me to wait. A black SUV was following ours and once we got onto the on ramp, they turned back.
“Why were they following us?”