Page 11 of Cold as Ice (Playing For Keeps)
"You are fucking someone!" Jonas booms, rubbing his hands together like a kid about to break into the cookie jar. "Who is she? Did you meet her at the sex club? You did, didn't you?" Apparently, he and Kellan visited a BDSM club recently, trying to locate Jonas's little sister. I don't know why Jonas thought she was there. With him, it's better not to ask many questions.
"Stay out of my business and stop changing the subject, fucker." Kellan points at him and then sweeps his finger around to encompass the rest of our teammates. "You're all mostly married. Why aren't you annoying the fuck out of your wives instead of Kelsey?"
"Mostly married?" Theo quirks a brow. "I'm pretty sure we're all-the-way fucking married."
Kellan just shrugs by way of an answer.
"Pretty sure their wives prefer they annoy Kelsey," Logan says, skating up. "Speaking of Kelsey, what's up with her? She's being weird."
Gray throws out his arms in a "See? I fucking told you so!" gesture. Everyone looks at me. Again.
"Run it back to the part when I said I don't know everything," I mutter, hauling myself to my feet. "And then get your asses on the ice. We're skating fire drills until Couch gets here. That'll give you plenty of time to think about Kelsey since you all have so much free time to worry about her."
A collective groan goes up from the group.
That's what the bastards get for annoying my woman so goddamn much.
I hit the ice, worried about Kelsey. Something is definitely going on with her. She's pushing me away for a reason. It has nothing to do with me being a hockey player. I'd stake my life on it. But I don't know what that leaves.
I'd very much like to know, though.
"The puck goes in the net, Theo!" Wes shouts half an hour later.
Theo lifts his middle finger in the air as he charges down the ice with Pryce and Gray on his heels.
"Pick it up, Gray!" I yell. "You're moving too slow."
"I can't feel my legs, drill sergeant! Tell my mama I love her!" he shouts back, making Wes and Theo laugh.
I just shake my head, ignoring him. He's melodramatic, but he's a hell of a player. He proves it a second later when he steals the puck from Theo and spins in midair before slamming the puck down the ice to Kellan.
"Son of a bitch!" Theo roars.
"I told you it went in the net!"
"He's going to murder you in your sleep one day," I murmur to Wes.
"Nah." Wes smirks at me. "He needs me to do his dirty work on the ice. Otherwise, he might mess up that pretty face of his."
I chuckle, turning back to the ice in time to see Kellan send the puck sailing into the goal's post. It ricochets off, and Jonas snatches it up before Kellan can even react. "Is it just me, or is Kellan distracted?"
"He's distracted," Wes agrees and then nudges me. "Here comes Coach."
I glance to the right and see Coach heading toward the bench, his expression tight.
Helvíti. Someone definitely screwed up because he's steely-eyed and grim-faced as the devil. Wes and I wait in silence for him to reach us.
"What happened?" I ask, the question terse.
He expels a heavy breath, glancing out at the ice. For a second, he doesn't say anything, and then he mutters a curse under his breath and brings his whistle to his lips. A sharp blast of sound explodes from the instrument.
All activity ceases immediately.
"Huddle up!" he shouts into the ensuing silence.
The whole team skates toward the bench at once, leaving the puck sliding aimlessly across the ice. Logan shakes off his gloves and leaves them in the net before heading in our direction.
"Who fucked up this time?" Theo asks. "It was Jonas again, wasn't it?"
"Man, fuck you. I've been on my best behavior," Jonas says.
"Is that what the kids call what you're doing with your wife?" Logan asks, earning laughs from the team.
Jonas just smirks. As the most recently married man on the team, he's walking on cloud nine right now. As far as he's concerned, life is all aces. He's head over heels for his wife and doesn't care how much shit they give him about it.
"No one has ended up in the media this week," Coach says. "But I wanted you to hear it from me before you hear it from anyone else." He pauses for a moment. It might be my imagination, but I think he cuts his eyes in my direction, his expression sympathetic, before he glances over the rest of the team. "Kelsey Lane has turned in her resignation."
My heart just fucking…stops.
Everyone looks at me. I feel their eyes on me, but I'm a thousand miles away, trapped in a hell of my own making. Jesus. She's quitting? What the fuck?