Page 38 of Secret (Betrothed 9)
Heath shrugged. “It’s the least I could do since I’m the richer one.”
Balto narrowed his eyes. “Fuck off, Heath.”
“Ooh…did I strike a chord?” The taunts never ended.
Cassini reached out and shook my hand. “It’s nice to formally meet you—on much better terms.”
I laughed. “Thanks for giving me another chance. And, again, sorry about before…”
“Don’t worry about it,” she said. “It’s a funny story we’ll tell years down the road.”
I stared at her blankly as I focused on what she’d said, the implication of her words. Did that mean she and Balto expected me to be around for a long time? Or was that something Heath had said to them? Or was I simply reading too much into it?
Balto extended his hand to me next. “It was nice to see you again.”
I gave him a firm grasp and nodded. “You too.”
He pulled away and tapped his fingers against his cheek. “Keep up the good work. More women need to know how to throw a punch.” He turned to his brother next and didn’t show him physical affection before he turned away. “Night, asshole.”
“Night, bitch.”
As Balto walked away with his arm around his wife, he raised his hand and flipped him off.
Heath called out after him, “Love you too.” He turned to me next and wrapped his arm around my waist before he walked me to the truck. “My place or yours?”
Seeing the way he interacted with his brother made me adore him more, for reasons I couldn’t explain. It humanized him, showed a playful side I’d never met before. It was sexy. “Yours.”
“You got it.” He opened the door for me.
I eyed the gesture in surprise.
“What?” he asked. “I can be a gentleman.”
I smiled before I got inside.
He drove us to his place, pulling into the underground garage before we entered his fortress.
I walked to his bedroom, my stomach stretching out my dress because I had way too much to eat. Those glasses of wine along with the bread and appetizers filled my stomach because I was distracted by the good conversation. “I liked your brother and sister-in-law.”
“Cassini is great. Balto…” He pulled his shirt over his head then removed his jeans. “He’s a drama queen.”
I chuckled. “I know you don’t really think that.”
“I do think he’s a bitch.”
“You don’t think that either.” I turned to him, unzipping the back of my dress so it could peel off my body and fall to the floor.
He sat on the edge of the bed in his boxers, his back perfectly straight because he carried himself with such discipline. His eyes immediately glanced over my body, seeing me standing in my bra and panties. He didn’t argue with me, choosing to stare at me and let the conversation die.
I stepped into his closet and opened one of his drawers, pulling out a silver handgun. I came back to him, pointing it toward the ceiling.
He watched me. “What are you doing, baby?”
“You said you would get me a gun and show me how to use it.” I moved to the spot beside him and sat down, aiming the gun at the opposite wall.
“I remember. But now that you have me, I don’t see why you need a gun.”
“You never know.” I shrugged.
He took the gun from my hand. “Alright.” He turned it on its side. “You see this black button? Slide it to the right when you want to release the safety. Do it.”
I took it from him and repeated his movements.
“Now, turn it back on.”
I slid the button back into place.
He took the gun back from me and yanked on the barrel so the gun opened, showing the bullets inside. “You just drop your bullets there to load it. I’ll give you some before you leave tomorrow.” He closed the gun again then placed it in my hand, positioning my fingers so I gripped the gun correctly. “Your forefinger goes here. Then you squeeze the trigger. Safety is on, so go ahead.”
I pulled the trigger, but nothing happened.
“And that’s about it. You can keep this gun since you picked it out.” He took the gun from my hand and placed it on his nightstand.
“You don’t want to teach me to aim?”
He turned to me, his blue eyes on mine. “Baby, if someone really threatens you, I know you won’t miss.” His arm moved around my waist, and he pulled me close, his head resting on mine. “But nothing is going to happen. I give you my word.”
I pressed my cheek against his shoulder, loving the warm heat against my skin. “No one would try to hurt me because you’re seeing me?”
He released me and looked down at me. “I don’t talk about my personal life at work.”
“So, no one knows I exist?”
“One of my guys, but that’s it.” He spotted the disappointment in my gaze. “It’s not because I want it to be that way. I just think it’s best if people know as little about my life as possible. Not everyone underneath me wants me to be the leader.”