Page 87 of Something Unexpected
Maddie was with her mom for the next three days. My grandmother was doing well and had gone back to her place with Bitsy this morning. So I didn’t even have the little barking shit to interrupt giving Nora my full attention.
Beck: Works for me. What time?
Nora: I can probably get there about ten.
Beck: Can’t wait. See you then.
Nora: Oh, and Beck, we need to talk first. I think we need to set some ground rules for this thing.
Beck: Fine. But it’s going to be hard to talk with my cock in your mouth. So maybe we talk second.
Nora: Pig.
Beck: We’ll see who’s the one squealing when I get my hands on you.
She sent back a pig emoji, and that was the end of it.
I guess I was going to be stopping at the pharmacy on the way home tonight to pick up a bottle of aspirin. Because whether it proved to be a giant headache or not, there was no fucking way I wasn’t doing this.
The doorman rang to let me know I had a guest, and I suddenly got palm-sweaty nervous. It had been a long-ass time since a woman made me feel this way. And I wasn’t sure I liked it. Since it was late, and Nora had probably eaten dinner by now, I’d had my assistant order a charcuterie board. She’d asked if it was for a date or the guys coming over, since I occasionally played cards with my buddies, and she’d ordered a spread for those nights. I normally loved that my assistant took the initiative. When she’d ordered for our last card night, I’d come home to a delivery of not only food, but a selection of cigars and whiskies that had been paired together, as well as a half-dozen combination wooden cigar tray-coasters, so the guys could set their drinks and their cigar down while holding their cards. But now, as I looked over at the dining room table, I thought it might be too much. Gwen had sent not only the charcuterie board, but also chilled wine, a flower arrangement, and a few candles.
My heart thumped faster as I heard the elevator slide open from the hall. But when I opened the door and got a look at her, it almost knocked the wind out of me.
It’s a hookup, Cross. Not a date.
Luckily, I was a master at not showing my nerves.
Nora looked incredible—way more dressed up than I’d expected. She had on a Kelly green, silky-looking slip dress with high heels that wrapped up her ankles. Her thick, blond, normally straight hair was done up in loose curls, and she had more makeup on than I’d ever seen her wear. I couldn’t stop staring at her scarlet red lips. Maybe this was a date after all…
“Down, boy,” she said. “I’m not dressed like this to come over. I had a hot date before this.”
My exuberance came to a screeching halt.She had a freaking date before coming over?
Nora took one look at my face and chuckled. She stood toe to toe with me and patted my chest. “The date was my father, Mr. Cool.”
“I thought your father lived in California?”
“He does. But he came to visit for a few days. We went to see an opera at the Met at seven. That’s why I’m dressed up and couldn’t come until this late.”
My shoulders loosened. “Oh.”
She smirked. “You should’ve seen your face. It looked like you wanted to kick someone’s ass.”
“And you find that amusing?”
She tapped her nails against my chest. “I do.”
I wrapped a hand around the back of her neck, gave it a gentle squeeze, and pulled her against me. “You’re going to pay for that, Sutton. Now give me that pain-in-my-ass mouth.”
I planted my lips over hers, and she eagerly opened for me. The stress of my day dissolved almost instantly. Her tits pushed up against me, and she made that little moan sound that drove me nuts. They say things that take away anxiety and stress are often addicting—like Xanax and alcohol. I understood that now.
Nora wrenched her mouth from mine. “Are you going to maul me in the doorway or invite me in?”
I took her bottom lip between my teeth and gave it a good, firm tug. “Doorway works for me.”
She giggled and pushed at my chest. “Let’s go inside, caveman.”