Page 70 of Something Unexpected
Beck shrugged. “Just trying to keep you healthy.”
Over the next two hours, I was entertained by story after amusing story about Jake and Beck as kids. I’d once told Beck that I’d never felt deprived of anything growing up with just one parent, and watching these three interact told me I wasn’t the only one who felt that way.
An announcement came overhead that visiting hours in the unit would be ending in fifteen minutes. I looked at my watch, surprised that it was already almost seven.
“Welp…” Jake slapped his hands on his thighs. “I better get going. I have a double header tonight.”
“You hate baseball,” Beck said.
Jake grinned. “Who said anything about baseball? I have two dates. One I’m meeting for drinks at eight, and the other I’m meeting at the club at midnight.”
“And you were going to give all that up to go with me to Harry?” I teased.
Jake took my hand and cupped it to his cheek. “I’d give my right nut to take you anywhere, beautiful.”
“Maybe you should go out with him,” Beck grumbled. “If he has one less nut, he might not be able to procreate.”
After Jake left, Beck and I said goodbye to Louise. “I’ll be back in the morning,” I told her.
“Or…you could park outside my window, and I’ll jump down about nine o’clock. I’m only on the second floor. I think I can hack the jump. We can scalp tickets.”
I kissed Louise’s cheek. “Get some rest. You’re doing great. I’m already plotting our next adventures.”
Beck and I walked to the elevators.
“She’s tolerating the radiation great so far,” I said.
He nodded. “Her spirits are better than I expected, too. But I think a lot of that is because of you. You make her young again.”
I smiled. “That’s sweet. But I’m pretty sure you and your brother are what keep her spirit alive.”
The elevator doors slid open, and Beck and I stepped in. “Did you eat yet?” he asked.
“No. I’ll pick up something on the way home.”
“Why don’t we grab something together? My favorite Italian place is only a block from here. They make the best gnocchi in pesto sauce I’ve ever tasted.”
I bit my bottom lip. That sounded much better than eating half-cold Chinese food straight from the carton in front of the TV, but… “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
Beck’s brows drew together. “Why not?”
“I don’t want to give you the wrong impression.”
Beck frowned. “I was looking for dinner company, not to get laid.”
The elevator opened on the ground floor. Beck gestured for me to walk into the lobby first. Then he opened the door to the street. “So? Are you coming or am I eating alone?”
“I suppose two friends having dinner is okay, right?”
“Of course.” He put a hand on my back and guided me to walk to the right. “Besides, once was enough for me.”
I stopped in place. “What did you just say?”
He grinned. “Oh, so only you can decide once was enough, and I shouldn’t be insulted?”
“I didn’t say once was enough; I said it wasn’t a good idea. There’s a difference.”
“Oh, so once wasn’t enough?”