Page 2 of Something Unexpected
The guy’s mask of superiority might have slipped, just a little. Then his phone rang, and he swiped to answer.
“Tell them I’ll join in five minutes,” he said. “I need to get up to my room where the prospectus and my notes are.” He said nothing more before swiping off and lifting his chin to the bartender. “I need to run. Can I sign the tab to my room?”
The bartender nodded. “Sure thing.”
“Room two twelve.” Arrogant guy reached into his pocket and took out a wad of cash. Tossing a few bills on the bar, he motioned to me. “Put her bill for the night on my room, too, please.”
“You got it.”
I lifted my wine. “Shame you have to go. Maybe you aren’t such a jerk after all.”
His lip twitched. “I called the meeting, so I can’t miss it. But it’s definitely my loss.”
I grinned. “Sure is…”
Though as I watched him stand and realized he was well over six-feet tall and his dress shirt hugged himverynicely, I wondered if it was my loss after all. Nonetheless, he disappeared with only a nod.
Forty-five minutes later, I told the bartender to save my seat—even though I was the only person in the bar—and went to the ladies’ room. Yawning as I washed my hands, I figured it was time to call it a night. But when I returned, a man sat in the chair next to mine. And not just any man—the arrogant, incredibly handsome guy from earlier.
I took my seat, which now had a fresh glass of wine in front of it. “How was your meeting?” I asked.
“Do you really care?”
“No, but I was being polite. Something you should try once in a while.” I turned to face him and tried to ignore that he was even better looking this close up. I’d never used the wordsmolderingto describe eyes before, but that’s what his were.Smoldering bedroom eyes. He smelled damn good, too. “You know, just because you’re hot doesn’t mean you can be rude. Maybe that works for you in the supermarket, but it won’t work with me.”
He raised a brow. “You think I’m hot?”
I rolled my eyes. “You should’ve focused on the part about being rude. Figures all you heard was good-looking.”
“Is that why you picked Tinder guy? He was polite?”
“He was nice, yes. He was also funny and made me laugh.”
He lifted his drink. “Nice and funny got you a married guy who stuck you with the tab. Maybe you should try hot and rude?”
I chuckled. He had a point. “Do you have a name? Or do you prefer to be referred to as Mr. Arrogant? Because that’s what I’ve been saying in my head.”
Mr. Arrogant extended his hand. “Beck.”
When I put mine into his, he lifted it to his lips and kissed the top. It caused a tingle all over me. Though I wasn’t about to tell him that.
“Is this how they do it in the supermarket? Kiss a stranger’s hand and invite her back to your place?”
“My place is three-thousand miles away.”
“Oh. So you aren’t looking to replace the guy I kicked to the curb earlier?”
He grinned. “If you’re actively seeking a replacement, I mean,I amright here. But I’d like your name first, at least.”
I laughed. “Nora.”
He nodded. “Nice to meet you, Nora.”
“What brings you out to the middle of nowhere, Beck?”
“I came to see family. You?”
“Girls’ trip. We’re just passing through for a few days.”