Page 62 of Baby for Brother's Best Friend
That sounds amazing.I’m sure I can get that cleared, no problem.
It lookedlike I would have some planning to do.
Two weeks.
It had been two weeks since I had seen Nell.
The day after the interview, I had to fly out to L.A. for a new building acquisition.
I had only planned on being gone a week, but things hadn’t entirely gone according to plan, and now there I was, coming back to cold, snowy New York without having seen Nell for two whole weeks.
We had texted and had nightly phone calls every night, and it was becoming harder and harder for me to deny my feelings for her.
And now, as I climbed out of the town car that Jeffers was driving, and stepped out onto the sidewalk in front of her building, I felt a jolt of nerves rushing through me.
On our FaceTime two days ago, she’d told me she had a surprise for me and wanted to take me out.
I’d agreed, and then she had refused to give me any additional details. And despite me fighting with my feelings, trying to stuff them down so that I didn’t end up getting hurt at the end of all of this, I couldn’t help but miss her, and I was damn excited to see her again.
Nell came bounding down the stairs and out the front door a moment later, a wide, beautiful grin tugging up her gorgeous lips.
I stalked forward, pulling her into a tight hug and squeezing her.
The warmth of her body, the familiar smell of her shampoo, the deep, husky rumble of her chuckle all washed over me to comfort my jittery nerves.
“Careful, Whitlock,” she mumbled, her words muffled from where her face was pressed to my chest. “Hug me too much, and I might start to think that you missed me.”
I laughed and squeezed her tighter, and despite her words, she squeezed me back.
“So, Princess, where are we off to?” I asked, pulling back to look down at her. “Or do you want to tell Jeffers the address to keep the surprise?”
Nell shook her head. “We’re actually going to walk.”
“Oh,” my eyebrows shot up in surprise, but I quickly schooled them into submission.
Turning back to the town car, I pulled the front door open and let Jeffers know the change of plans.
The older man just smiled and told me to have a lovely evening and to call if I needed him to pick me up later before he pulled out into the street and disappeared from view.
I turned my attention back to Nell, and she was practically vibrating with excited energy.
She had a large messenger bag thrown over one shoulder, nearly bursting. I eyed it with obvious interest as she grabbed my hand and led me down the sidewalk toward our currently unknown destination.
“So, you have a bag that’s chock-full of stuff,” I mused as we walked. “But it’s snowy and cold outside. So, we can’t be going far. And it can’t be a picnic unless you’re a crazy person.”
“You don’t think I’m a crazy person?” Humor laced her words as she grinned up at me. “I could be a crazy person.”
“Oh, no,” I shook my head and returned her smile. “I definitely think you’re crazy. Just not the kind of crazy that would have a picnic in the snow.”
Nell shrugged one shoulder. “Well, I guess you’re just going to have to wait to find out.”
I chuckled and shook my head at her but was quickly distracted by her peppering me with questions about the remainder of my trip in L.A. and the flight home earlier that day.
It wasn’t hard for me to figure out that she was trying to distract me, no doubt to keep me from paying too much attention to our surroundings, so I couldn’t figure out where we were going. But I decided to humor her anyways.