Page 50 of Baby for Brother's Best Friend
“You’re telling me,” she carried on. “That you’re going to galas with someone who is that hot, dancing with him, taking pictures where he’s looking at you like the sun shines out of your ass, and this is all just … pretend?”
Lex put her hands on her hips, narrowing her eyes at me. “I’m not buying it. There has to be more to the story. Because there’s no way you could be in the vicinity of someone that hot and not at least think of sleeping with him.”
I glanced down nervously.
“I didn’t say anything about not sleeping with him,” I murmured.
Lex let out a sound that was somewhere in the middle of a squawk and a gag. “I’m sorry, come again? You’ve SLEPT WITH HIM?”
“I might have.” I said indignantly, meeting and holding her gaze.
“Girl.” She shook her head at me. “You aren’t pretending to date this guy. You realize that, right? The engagement might be fake. But the dating? That seems very, very real.”
“No, it isn’t,” I scoffed, but it was only halfhearted.
Could she be right? Could I have ended up accidentally dating Blake? Without thinking, I glanced at my phone, thinking about our text exchange from earlier in the morning.
“If you aren’t dating him, then I guess that means you aren’t seeing him again until you have to for your family, right?” She arched a knowing eyebrow at me, and my cheeks flushed pink all over again.
“I’m seeing him next Wednesday,” I admitted.
“And is that with your family?”
I shook my head, unable to meet her gaze.
“Just like I thought.” There was a satisfied tone to her voice, but when I glanced back at her, she was watching me with a hint of worry.
She turned her back toward me, walking across the small apartment to plop down on my couch. She patted the cushion beside her, and I shuffled my feet as I walked over to her. Lex waited patiently as I made myself comfortable before she began talking again.
“I know I was busting your balls for a sec,” she said, her voice calm and understanding. “But on a serious note, how are you doing with all of this? Running into him for the first time in years, your family coming back, a fake engagement that now seems not so fake? That’s all a lot to deal with. And you’re doing it with one of New York’s most eligible bachelors. The whole world is watching now.”
I groaned. “I wish I could say that I hadn’t thought that would happen, but I knew it would.
I’ve seen him in tabloids and stuff over the years. But I thought that would be a bridge I’d cross when I got to it.”
“Well, it’s time to get to crossing,” Lex joked, and I gave her a small smile.
“Do you like him?” She asked simply.
I hesitated before answering, my thoughts shooting off into a million different directions.
Did I like Blake?
I liked the way he made me laugh, even though half the time it was because he was being arrogant. I liked that he was smart and didn’t back down when I challenged him.
I liked…. the realization of it settled into my stomach, and my eyes found Lex’s once more.
I nodded my head slowly, letting it sink over me.
“ I think I might be in over my head here,” I admitted. “I thought this would be easy.”
Lex shrugged. “Well, just because you thought it would be doesn’t mean it is. Now all you can do is figure out if you want to see this through. Do you?”
I wracked my brain, thinking of every possible answer I could give her.
But somehow, none of them seemed right.
Keeping in theme with the night, I decided that I would answer her honestly.