Page 34 of Baby for Brother's Best Friend
We quickly walked back to the ballroom, finding Justine and Nell where we’d left them. They had their heads bowed together, talking excitedly. When Justine threw her head back and laughed, placing a hand on Nell’s bicep, Jourdan, and I turned to look at each other in question.
“Not exactly what I expected,” I murmured to my best friend as we crossed the short distance back to the ladies. “Sounds like someone is having fun,” I said with a smile, placing my hand on the small of Nell’s back without hesitation as I approached.
Justine’s shrewd brown eyes, not missing anything, clock the movement, but she doesn’t comment on it. I turn my focus to Nell, willing love and adoration to pour out of me as I stare down at her.
“I was just telling her about my boss, Hugo,” Nell answered. “About how he bought me this necklace and the whole story he came up with on how he got it.”
She fingered the mother-of-pearl pendant between her breasts, and my eyes dipped down, glancing at her appreciatively.
“I have to say,” I purred, leaning into her to kiss her forehead. “I didn’t notice the necklace. That entire area is way too distracting.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Justine and Jourdan glance at each other, and I feel like the casual displays of affection are helping us.
The beat of a new song filled the air, the beautiful instrumental rendition of a popular love song carrying couples out onto the dance floor, and I was struck by inspiration. I reached down to hold Nell’s hand before turning my gaze toward Justine and Jourdan.
“I know that you three have a lot of catching up to do, but would you mind if I steal my fiancée for a dance?”
“By all means,” Justine answered, waving us toward the dance floor.
I turned to Nell, and she smiled at me, and it wasn’t hard for me to believe that the love in it was genuine.
It was truly astonishing how skilled of an actress she was.
I led her through the crowd toward the space reserved for the dance floor. The moment we reached it, I spun her around before pulling her close into my arms and dipping my mouth to her ear.
“Do you think they bought it?” I purred, making sure to keep my face and body language arranged so that anyone watching would assume I was merely whispering sweet nothings in her ear.
“Not yet,” she said with a quick shake of her head. “But I think we’re winning them over.”
“I guess we’ll just have to continue to win them over, then.”
I pulled back to look at her, and she gave me a questioning smile. One of my hands dropped from her waist, and reached up to move a piece of hair off her face. She leaned into the touch, nuzzling my palm for a minute before I put my hand on her hips.
Swept away on the astonishing melody, I continued to twirl her around the dance floor, gazing at her like the world began and ended with her.
“What did Jourdan say?” She asked, smile still fixed in place as she gazed at my face.
“Exactly what I expected,” I answered. “He was pissed that I didn’t tell him from the beginning. Then I told him our story, and he seems less suspicious now.”
She moved her body closer to mine, the curve of her fitting perfectly against me, and I was suddenly finding it hard to be aware of anything but her presence. I decided to give myself over to the moment fully, and I leaned down to kiss her.
I heard her slight intake of breath right before our lips met, and she leaned into me even more.
We stopped moving, stopped dancing entirely as we gave ourselves over to the kiss. I let my tongue dip into her mouth for only a second, and her arms fluttered around my neck, fingertips brushing at the bottom of my hairline, sending goosebumps sprinting across my skin.
My dick hardened in my pants, and I laughed against her mouth.
“Someone’s excited,” she chuckled as she broke our kiss, confirming that she could feel it pressing into her. She didn’t step away, though. She stayed standing, pressed against me with her arms around my neck.
“That’s gonna be hard to hide in these pants.”
“Just hold me closer and use my body to block it.”
“You think that’s going tohelp?” I scoffed, causing her to laugh again, and I thought I could get drunk off that sound alone.
“Maybe we should stop dancing for a little while then and let you get control of yourself.”
As if on cue, the song we had been dancing to ended. I moved one hand, using her body to shield me as I adjusted myself, disguising my arousal as much as I could before intertwining our fingers once more and allowing Nell to lead me off the dance floor.