Page 24 of Baby for Brother's Best Friend
I climbed into the car, wondering why the fuck I even proposed this in the first place, and figured I must just be a masochist as the driver started off toward Queens.
I worked from my phone as we drove, diving into my emails and messages to help distract myself from my near-constant thought of Nell.
When we pulled up in front of her building, I climbed out and couldn’t push down the little thrill at the thought of seeing her any longer as I jogged up the stairs to her floor. I knocked on the door, and a second later, it was pulled open.
There she was in a pair of dark-washed, form-fitting jeans that hugged the curves of her hips and legs, instantly making my mouth water and my hands want to reach out and run my fingertips along her hips.
The rest of her was tucked away under a puffer coat, and maybe that was for the best.
“Oh,” she said, her soft brown eyes lighting with surprise when they landed on me. “I figured you would have sent an assistant.”
I shrugged. “I thought about it. But honestly, who else would be able to handle your thorniness?”
“Thorniness? Why do you have so much money if you’re going to be ridiculous in how you spend it?” She asked, marching past me and heading down the stairs.
I couldn’t help but laugh as I followed after her.
“And you know a better way to spend my money?”
“Of course I do.”
Nell pushed open the door at the bottom of the stairs and stepped out into the cold of the November day, me trailing closely behind her.
She stopped just before the Towncar idling at the curb and pointed to it.
“I’m assuming this is ours?”
When I nodded, she pulled open the back door and slid into the cushy, leather backseat.
I slid in next to her, suddenly very aware of how close our bodies were. There was enough space that we weren’t touching. But we were still close enough that it was the only thing I could think about.
The car rumbled forward, and the driver began weaving his way toward the store I had told him. It was a boutique. And an unknown designer that one of Justine’s friends had invested in.
I wouldn’t tell Nell that, but the woman was incredibly talented. She made a lot of one-of-a-kind pieces and could tailor them to fit anyone. And also did commission work. If anyone could turn out something breathtaking, it would be Kat.
I cleared my throat, not able to sit in silence anymore. “How was your day off yesterday?”
“It was fine.” She didn’t turn to look at me, opting instead to watch out the window as we made our way over the bridge.
“Get all your errands done?”
“We don’t have to do this.” She turned to face me then, her brown eyes hard. “I appreciate you offering to help me out because of the lie I told. But we don’t have to pretend to like each other when my family isn’t around.”
“And we don’t like each other?” I asked, cocking my head to the side, and smiled at her.
“We don’t.” She answered, but there was doubt in her eyes, and it made my grin widen.
“Could've fooled me.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
I didn’t think before I answered, didn’t give myself time to second guess myself at all.
“After that kiss and everything, I thought it was pretty clear we could at leasttolerateeach other.”
The apples of her cheeks flashed red, but she didn’t back down, opting instead to raise her chin and meet my stare dead on.
“That was a mistake. We both know it. Plus, I was drunk. So don’t let it go to your head.”