Page 13 of Kissing the Hitman
I narrow my eyes. Is she talking about me? Not wanting her? Had I got the signals all fucked up? “If you’re referencing me, I think you’re under the wrong impression. I want you, Georgia, probably too damned much.”
I’m too shocked to respond. My mouth is also full of the best churro I’ve ever tasted. Still, as good as they are, hearing Finn say he wants me is far better. I swallow the food in my mouth. I didn’t foresee him saying that.
“Here.” Finn swipes the corner of my mouth with his thumb, wiping away some of the sugar and cinnamon there. I watch as he brings it to his mouth and sucks it clean. I lick my lips. For a long moment, we stare at each other.
“I was talking about my family.” As always, I break the silence.
I don’t know how he does it. It really is a skill. There’s something about him that makes me feel so comfortable that I can’t help but tell him things. It didn’t go unnoticed by me that his eyes narrowed and his body stiffened when I told him some people don’t want me in their lives. I think I might have actually surprised him a bit.
“Wanted to make sure.”
“It’s really sweet of you to say.” I’m sure as someone who has lost their whole family, he finds it insane that one would choose not to be together. Unfortunately, it’s the only choice I had if I wanted to live a free and happy life.
“It’s the truth.” The man is always so serious but sweet too. It’s an odd mixture that I find I rather enjoy. When I get a reaction out of him it makes it all the more exciting.
“You said maybe too much?” That’s where I’m lost. I should probably drop it but I can’t help be curious. In the hotel room he told me I wasn’t his type. If he would have left it at ‘I want you,’ that could mean simply as a friend.
“Yes.” He gives me one of his vague responses.
That’s another thing he’s very good at. He tends to have me chatter about myself and sidestep a lot of the questions I ask him. He doesn’t avoid them fully but gives as little information as possible.
“But I’m not your type.” I take a bite of my churro and glance away, not wanting to meet his eyes. Finn isn’t having it. His hand comes to my chin to gently pull my gaze back to his.
“Didn’t know I had a type really until now.” I scrunch my nose, not fully understanding what he means. “You’re very expressive.”
“My mother always told me I couldn’t hide anything. That all my thoughts played out on my face.” Finn’s eyebrows start to pull together. Yeah, he’s the opposite of that. Most of the time, all I can read off his handsome face is when his eyes go from soft to narrowed.
“I said that in the hotel because I didn’t want to scare you.” He releases my chin, his hand falling away. I want to grab it, but I keep a hold on my churros. I already dry-humped the man in his sleep. I’m not going to go grabbing at him now. Plus, these are the best churros I’ve ever had, and I don’t want to drop them.
“You thought you scared me?” I let out a small laugh. “I mean, you’re big and all, but you’re kind of a teddy bear.” I poke his chest. “Just not as soft.”
“A teddy bear?” He cocks his head to the side. Finally, I get a half smile out of him. “Is that why you wrapped yourself around me? Because I’m like a teddy bear?”
Heat rushes to my face. “I don’t know what happened. I guess it’s been a while, and then ah, you were in my bed, and my dreams got the best of me.”Stop talking!I scream at myself inside my head.
“It’s been a while?” He stands up straighter.
“I guess,” I squeak.
“Since you had a man in your bed?”
“I sleep alone. Always have.” How do I change the subject? Of course, this time Finn doesn’t let any silence linger.
“You shared your bed with me.”
“First time for everything. So where should we head next?” I turn and start walking.
“First time?” I hear him say from behind me. Within seconds, he’s next to me, his long, giant legs easily catching up to me.
“So, how long are you going to be in Paris?” I ask, trying to keep the focus off my love life. Which is nonexistent.
“Depends.” Here we go again with his cryptic answers.