Page 17 of Barkley

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Page 17 of Barkley

Getting out of the shower, she thought about when they’d come together.He had held her to him, kissing her so wonderfully tender that she came twice while his tongue explored parts of her mouth that she’d not felt before.When he tightened his grip on her, holding her to her while he fucked her harder, Carrie saw stars when her body let go.

Holding onto the sink while her body went through the same climax as last night, she was dizzy with the thrill of it.Her body was stiff with it.Sitting down on the commode, she held onto the sink while her body adjusted.Christ, she’d never in her life had come without a man.It was a heady feeling and one that she thought Barkley might enjoy some time.

Carrie was getting dressed when her phone rang.She was still lightheaded from the climax, but she was moving around better.Picking up the phone, the number was unknown to her, so she decided not to answer it.Putting the phone back, she finished getting dressed, fixed her hair and made her way to the kitchen, where she could hear her daughters—such a wonderful sound—were having their breakfast.She found all of her family there, as well as their spouses.

Since they didn’t notice her coming into the room and were getting louder by the second, she did something she’d been known to do to get the attention of people who weren’t paying attention to her.She put her fingers into her mouth and let go of a whistle surpassing anything she’d ever done before.

Sitting down at the table in the dining room, they all followed.Her nephews, Neal and Paula’s children, came to sit on her lap while Robert and Dan brought the high chairs in with the girls still in them.They seemed to be delighted to be moved around like that.Carrie asked what was going on.She smiled at Donna, Aaron’s wife, when she raised her hand.Forever a teacher, that one.

“We’ve been discussing jobs here.I think it’s a given that you’ll be staying here now that you’re married, and there isn’t any way that any of us want to live so far away from you and Barkley.Who, you might want to know, is our favorite person for agreeing to marry you.”She thanked Donna.“You’re welcome.There are plenty of houses around.A few might need a little work, but you know us.We’re willing to do some extra to have a nice home.”

“Dan and I went to look at the house on Fifth yesterday.After thinking about it on the way home, we decided it was much too small for what we had in mind.It’s only two bedrooms, and if everyone is going to be living here, we’ll need extra room when our nieces and nephews want to come and visit us.”Barkley walked into the room with his parents.After kissing her on the mouth and then the girls, Robert continued.“As you know, I can work from anywhere with my job.But Dan is going to need to find a restaurant that will be willing to take him on as head chef.”

“I have just the place for you on that, Dan.There used to be a restaurant in town called the Mill.It’s long since been closed down.It’ll need a full upgrade and cleaning, but it would be great to have someone running it that cooks as well as you do.Also, since we own the building and the land, we’ll help you get it up to par so long as you hire locally for the construction as well as workers.”Dan said that he could do that.“Great.One less thing that we have to worry about.As a foundation, we are trying to bring more work to this area, and while you won’t hire thousands of people to work there, it will be a beginning.”

She watched as Barkley senior handed a file to her brother.As they went over it, he pulled out another file and handed it over to Neal and Paula.Neal had been in construction since he’d been sixteen.He’d worked himself up to be a foreman but never to the point where he owned one himself.Barkley told him of his plan.

“We could use a good construction company around here.Not just for building and remodeling but also to do things like yard work for some of the downtown buildings that need it.I know for a fact that the city had turned that over to local men, but they lack organization in getting anything done.What do you say about running it for us?The same thing applies to this job.Buy locally when you can, as well as hire as many locals as you can.”Neal told him he’d not been anything but a foreman before.“Yes, but when I researched the firm that you worked with, they told me that most of the time, it’s you in charge when the owner is out or too hungover to come to work.”

After going over some of the things that needed to be started right away, Neal turned to Aaron and asked him if he’d partner with him.Aaron had a degree in landscaping, and with the permission and excitement of Barkley, they were going to set the town on their ears, they told him.

“I don’t know that the town can handle that, but I’m glad that you can get this started for us.It’s something that has needed to be done for some time now, and I’m happy to know that it will be in good hands.”Neal asked about equipment.“As it just so happens, there is a large auction on Monday of a construction/landscaping company that has gone under.For no other reason than the man’s family didn’t run it correctly, and it couldn’t survive.If you’re willing, the three of us, and anyone else that wishes to go, will hit that early in the morning and see about getting things for us.”

Andrew and CarolAnn were going to work for the foundation.Both of them were certified accountants, and the Strong Foundation needed extra hands in that area to keep things and money rolling in.Carrie looked around at her family and realized that in the hour that Barkley and his parents had shown up, each of her brothers had a good job, one that they would love.

When everyone turned to her, she told them she had a job.It was Barkley that laughed.Asking him what that was supposed to mean, he leaned back and pointed to his mother.She apparently had big plans for her.

“I do really have a job.”Lisa asked her if she liked it or even enjoyed it.“Not particularly.But it pays…paid the bills.”

“I have a job for you that will have you working with me.I run a few charities that I’m going to have to walk away from, and I’d like to have you take them over.”She asked her why she was walking away.“Nothing nefarious.I just want to have more time to spend with the grandchildren that are coming along, and I thought that if you took them over, I’d be able to watch the children more.All of your children.”

They all talked about the jobs, and then Lisa told them of the houses the foundation owned that they could have first dibs on.Most of them were larger homes made for families with children.Carrie thought that would be perfect for her brothers and families as they all had children but Robert.He, however, seemed content to be the greatest uncle of all times.

“Since it’s still early, I thought that we could go and look at them and get you situated in them soon.I know you’ll all need to have your things back home packed up.That’s a given.But we can help you with that too.”Barkley looked at her.“I want my new family to be happy here so Carrie can be happy with you all here.”

“Dan and I aren’t going back.We might decide to have someone pack us up, but we’ve no desire to go there again.”Carrie had heard about the signs and was as pissed off as they were about it.“If you could arrange for someone you trust, Barkley, to go in and do that for us, we’d be indebted to you for the rest of our lives.”

“Consider it done.And if you’d like to make it known that you’re not going to be putting up with their shit again, just let me know.I cannot stand people that have a hard time with others that are different than they are.”Dan was nearly brought to tears and left them there, only to return a few minutes later with a tin of cookies that he said he’d baked just yesterday.“You’re a good man, Dan.But if I spend too much time around you, I’m going to be either severely overweight or a diabetic.These are fantastic.”Just the words they needed to bring the room back to being in a good mood.

After getting the girls ready in some of their new outfits and figuring out the stroller, they all walked to the house instead of driving.It was a beautiful day for walking as spring was just coming around, and the weather was warm enough for them to be out.Lisa suggested dinner after they were finished, and everyone agreed.These families were going to be doing a great many things together and making things happen not just for her family but the town as well.She could almost see it happening as they walked around the town, pointing out things that needed to be looked into.


Barton moved along the line of products that were being made by the company.He’d only been here for three days, and he’d yet to put his finger on why the place wasn’t making more money than they were.He made his way to his office, one that he was using temporarily while he was here.

No one knew who he was other than a manager that had only been just hired by the company.Not even the owners of the company were aware that he was the one that was going to decide whether or not they got the money that they so desperately needed.It was at the point where they expanded or went under.But without finding the source of their issues, there was no way that he was going to recommend helping them out.Something fishy was going on, as his grannie said all the time.

“Mr.Lemon?”He nearly forgot his alias and looked up at the woman in front of him.“There is a person at the front gate that says they’re here for inspection of the lines in the kitchen.Something about them being graded?”

He had no idea but nodded to her and followed her to the front office.As soon as the woman in question walked in, he had to think for a moment about where he knew her from.It was Tessa Brown.Christ, this was all he needed.

“Do I—” He cut her off, telling her his name was Burt Lemon.“Yes, of course.I’m the inspector for the state.I was sent here to look over the lines and make sure that they’re up to code.”

She looked as confused as he was.Seriously?Today of all days.He asked if he could guide her to the kitchen area, and she agreed.Somewhat hesitantly, but she was playing along for now, and he was glad for that.As soon as the other woman left him, Tessa started walking alongside him.

“I’m assuming you have a good reason for being Mr.Lemon and not Mr.Strong.”Her voice was low and filled with a great deal of humor.“Not that you don’t look like a lemon right now, but I’m genuinely surprised to see you here.”

“As I am you.I’m here to see why this company is losing money hand over fist.It’s easier for me to come here undercover than to show up as Mr.Barton Strong, money lender.”She nodded, and they opened the door to the kitchen.“Christ.”

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