Page 72 of Scandalous Games
As if I’ll let them see the flush on her skin and eyes drowning in desire.
“I’m a breasts man, kitten, but seeing you bent over with your ass staring at me, I wanted to fuck you right then and there.” Her whole body vibrates, eyes going round, and I roughly palm her ass, pulling apart her cheeks until she rises on her toes to escape my touch. “If we were alone, I would’ve bent you over the nearest surface, tied your wrists with my belt behind your back, and slid my cock in your cunt until you fell apart for me.”
“Too bad you can’t touch me when it’s just us,” she sasses despite the haze of lust. Her nipples harden and poke against her top, betraying just how much she likes my fantasy.
“Don’t for one second think just because I can’t touch you, that I can’t have you begging for me to fuck you, kitten.”
Chapter Twenty-three
His challenging and arrogant promise leaves me fuming and my imagination running wild. My mind, fantasizing all the filthy ways he could seduce me. The confidence that lies underneath his tone that he can have me begging without laying a finger on me is irritating.
I especially hate how my body is attuned to his every command, every dirty word spoken, betraying me by melting at his husky voice.
Before I can respond with a comeback, Rosa speaks from behind him.
“Hey, Bee, we have to leave.”
I sidestep from behind Dash’s hulking frame, instantly missing the warmth of his touch as his hand slips from my shorts. Of course, only he would find a loophole and use it to his advantage. I can’t actually believe he had the nerve to grab my ass with our friends standing a few feet from us. It’s my fault, really. Didn’t I sense a trap when he agreed so easily? Should’ve listened to my gut.
He’s unashamed, arrogant, and wicked.
And apparently even in public, I’m unprotected from his devious ways.
Justin is nowhere to be seen when I look around the room while Iris and Rosa stand beside each other with an apologetic expression. Well, Iris does while Rosa’s face is pinched in pure annoyance. The one she wears when it’s anything related to Nova.
“I thought you were gonna stay for longer?” I remind her and she shrugs.
“My mom wants me to go look at wedding venues,” comes Rosa’s disinterested answer. “Apparently, not all of the money in the world puts you high on the waiting list.”
“And I’m meeting Nathan,” adds Iris.
I feel Dash’s body heat and his musky scent before he presses against my back and leans forward to whisper a taunt in my ear, “And you say being alone with me doesn’t scare you.”
“Shut up.” I glare at him, making his lips twitch in amusement. Facing my two grinning friends, I roll my eyes before moving closer as I tug them both out of the room. “I’ll walk you both out.”
“Shall we start calling himjiju?” whispers Iris. Rosa snorts behind her hand.
“Oh, you find it funny, Ro?” I snapped before smiling sweetly. “We can call Novajijutoo if you like it so much.”
Her mouth flattens into a thin line. “You wouldn’t.”
“Stop, you two,” says Iris in a cool voice before stealing my attention by fanning her face. “Dash is superhot, Bee. I understand now why you gave your virginity to him.”
If I didn’t know Iris was wholeheartedly committed to Nathan, I’d be jealous of her awestruck voice. Then I remember I have no claim on Dash, despite our mutually beneficial arrangement. He might play the act of the doting husband in front of the world, but he’s free to secretly fuck whomever he wants.
Which won’t be a hardship for him since he’s all about discreet affairs.
As soon we reach the door, they turn to me expectantly before Rosa bluntly asks, “Are you going to fuck him?”
“What? No,” I say, affronted. “I don’t want him.”
“Is that why you let him grope your ass when we were inside?” Rosa smirks. My cheeks flame and it’s all the answer they need. Turning to Iris, Rosa says, “I told you.”
Great. I just gave them ammunition to tease me mercilessly.
“Let’s not forget you seduced him at the club,” adds Iris to which Rosa nods.