Page 7 of Scandalous Games
“I wish I could help,” I softly murmur, and her anger ebbs away.
“I’m afraid there’s no solution to my predicament,” she replies before quirking her eyebrow at me. “So how about we fix yours? Tell me what happened.”
My mood deflates at the reminder. I almost forgot about my dilemma. Knowing Rosa won’t let me off the hook again, I decide to confess. Although, I’m afraid I only have one option.
“I’m going to need a drink first,” I finally say.
“Pretty sure there’s plenty here.” She winks and it makes me smile.
Chapter Three
“Arya is being a self-centered bitch, Bee.”
“Rosa!” I scold, but she peers back unflinchingly.
We’re sitting at the bar that we found easily by following the low hum of chatter and music. I’m drinking a gin martini while she’s sipping red wine. If I expected high-class hookers and strippers dancing on men’s lap, I was dead wrong.
The place is all elegance and silent wealth.
I was drooling, just like Rosa warned, except I acted cool outwardly. The minute we had taken a step inside, all the men halted and stared but as soon as they recognized Rosa, the conversation eased.
The inside is so much more stunning than I imagined. The walls are painted in a navy blue that almost appears black under the lighting while the bar sits in the middle. Just past it is a casino where I could see men sitting in circles around tables, laughing and betting. Everything they could desire is waiting to appear at their command.
Power is a heady drug and all of us are its slaves.
Men all laugh and joke like old pals and yet most wouldn’t hesitate in stabbing the other in the back just to succeed. It’s the one thing I hate the most about our world.
No one is trustworthy.
“You know I’m right?” Rosa says, arching one perfect eyebrow.
“How would you feel if the situation was reversed and Jasmine told you to fend for yourself?” I ask hypothetically by mentioning her older sister, who is already married.
“God I hope so. She doesn’t possess a cheating bone in her body,” huffs Rosa, not taking me seriously.
“You know what I mean.”
She sighs and settles her free hand on mine.
“You’re too young to settle down,” she states. “Especially with a stranger you’ll probably meet twice before the wedding day.”
“I know,” I murmur.
“Hell, I’ve known Nova my entire life, yet I want to run away.”
“I would like to see you try,” taunts an arrogant voice, interrupting us.
My head whips toward Nova’s who has his dark eyes fixed on Rosa with part hate and part possessiveness. They trail down to the drink in her hand before slowly rising back to her glaring face.
Nova is a few years older than us and runs in a completely different circle. Though his circle of friends is big, it’s mostly superficial. He only has one close friend, Nathan Singhania, who also happens to be dating our friend, Iris. He must be around here somewhere.
I wonder if Iris knows.
“You’ll never catch me if I choose to,” Rosa taunts back before turning to ignore him.
I watch as he inches closer and crowds her against the bar with his hands on each side. Rosa isn’t intimidated as she meets his gaze head-on. I might as well not exist to them both as he leans down to whisper in her ear.