Page 42 of Scandalous Games
I’m risking a lot coming here. A last bold attempt. If it goes like I hope, I might just come out winning.
Well, that’s if I’m allowed inside. Or my efforts to doll up will all be in vain.
I hand my keys to the valet before confidently striding toward the gates, even though deep inside I’m a nervous wreck. After the last time, I expect a security guard to appear at my side and ask me to leave or, worse, run into Nova who will surely tattle on me to Rosa.
Instead, I’m greeted politely by the guard as he opens the door, and I keep my expression neutral and confident like I have every right to be here. At a gentlemen’s club.
I channel my inner Rosa and boldly walk up to the bar and settle on a stool. When the bartender approaches, I order, “One gin and tonic please.”
Once he places the drink in front of me, I take a sip and let the alcohol burn down my throat. Warmth spreads through my body once it settles in my stomach. Sometimes a girl needs liquid courage, and I certainly do if I want to face Dash.
After the phone call with Arya, I could feel my walls closing in on me and panic rise inside my chest. I couldn’t stop picturing what my life will turn out to be like with a strange man who I’ll call my husband, with no way out. The claustrophobic feeling grew and I knew I had to try convincing Dash one last time.
Despite our mutual animosity, if he agrees, I trust him not to betray me. He may be threatening and arrogant, but I have a feeling he’s a man of his word.
I’m just praying he’s here tonight since it’s a Saturday and I can pretend to run into him. It would be so much easier if there was something he could get out of this too. So the fake arrangement is beneficial to us both. Sadly, there isn’t and that’s why this makes it so much harder.
Most men have the inner instinct to be a woman’s knight in shining armor. I saw it that night in Dash’s eyes when I came crying to him after breaking up with Niall. Maybe it’s still lying in a dark corner inside him and I can entice it to come out.
But if he asks me to beg—which he might, since he’s also an asshole now—I won’t do it.
There has to be a line where it becomes pathetic, and begging is it.
I stare at the wall and pray to the angels who’ll listen and send me a hint or a way to accomplish my plan.
“Is the drink that bad, beautiful?” says a voice I know all too well.
I turn and look up into Justin’s eyes as he hops onto the empty stool beside me. Of course, he’s here. Thank fuck! I at least didn’t run into him this time.
“My drink is fine,” I answer with a smile.
“Then why are you scowling at it?” he asks jokingly.
Huh. I didn’t realize I was thinking so hard. “I wasn’t.”
“If you say so, beautiful.”
He’s always in a cheery and flirty mood, it seems. Suddenly, I recall Dash’s words that it’s all a mask to hide his true feelings. If that’s true, then he’s a great actor. I wonder if it gets tiring to wear it all the time.
I’m the kind of person who wears her emotions on her sleeves. Sometimes, it can be a weakness when you don’t want the other person to know your hidden thoughts.
“So what brings you here tonight?” he questions curiously while pointing at the bartender. I watch as the bartender brings Justin his drink—a glass of expensive whiskey—like he’s done it many times. Hmm… Justin must come here a lot.
“Do you live here in the city?” I avoid his question by asking my own. He doesn’t miss it but lets it go to answer.
“No, I don’t,” he replies, sipping his drink. “I came to visit Dash and was supposed to leave last week, but my plans changed. I take it that the meeting went well since he hired you?”
“He told you?”
“Wasn’t he allowed to?” he queries.
“Nothing like that,” I utter. I’m wondering if Dash also mentioned his threat. “He doesn’t seem like the type who talks much, except to bark orders.”
He chuckles low and I shrug innocently. Shaking his head, he smirks as he agrees, “You’re right. The man is a workaholic, so it’s become second nature to him.”
“So I should expect him to be demanding and overbearing while we work together?”
“I’m afraid so, but something tells me you can handle him,” he muses before leaning slightly closer to me. “My turn to ask questions now, beautiful. Are you here to see him?”