Page 87 of She will Always be Mine
Rolling my eyes, I walk away from him and a minute later, I hear his car speed away. Just then, my phone vibrates inside my pocket and out of curiosity, I pull it out.
ARROGANT THIEF:Have an amazing day, baby. See you at home.
I hate the smile that pulls at my lips after reading his text. He’s incorrigible. That man is always so broody and savage with that filthy mouth of his that his sweetness surprises me sometimes. I’ll never tell him, but I secretly love it when he softens his edges only for me. Like I’m the only one who deserves every side of him.
“Who’s got you smiling like that, bestie?” Monica’s teasing voice pierces through my daydreaming. I look up while shoving my phone inside my bag.
“Oh my God! Monica!” I shout excitedly. “I missed you so much.”
With a scream, she covers the distance between us and pulls me into a hug. I squeeze her tight and we sway for a minute before we pull apart. Her warmth and light rubs off on me and I can’t contain the genuine smile on my face. Although she has cut her hair slightly shorter, she still looks the same, bright and bubbly. Clothed in a floral dress, she looks stunning. Her new haircut also accentuates her cheekbones.
“I missed you too, babe,” she says and then narrows her eyes playfully. “Although I’m still mad at you for ghosting me.”
I know she’s joking but guilt stabs me nonetheless. “Sorry. I had a rough couple of months.”
Her lips pull into a concerned frown and she winds her arm with mine before replying, “I was just kidding. I wish I could’ve been there for you, you know. We may have known each other for a short time but I love you and you can always trust me with anything.”
“Even if it’s dark and messy?” I quietly say.
“Especially then.” She winks while bumping our shoulders.
Chuckling at the cute expression on her face, I reply. “Okay!”
“So… Who had you blushing earlier?” She wiggles her eyebrows and mischievously asks, “Have you met someone?”
“What! No. It was nobody.” I roll my eyes.
“Liar,” she teases. “Don’t worry, I’ll get you to spill the deets.”
“How is the fest going?” I change the topic as we stroll toward our building. “I heard the Reet brothers are coming. Is it true?”
“Oh yeah!” She nods excitedly and fans her face. “They are so hot. I was thinking to sneak in backstage and seduce one of them. Or both.”
A boy passing by and trips over his feet as he hears Monica mention a threesome. Poor guy. My bestie, however, remains oblivious, clearly lost in her fantasy. Turning to her, I probe, “And just how do you plan on getting backstage?”
“I have an idea.” She smirks and then declares, “And you, my bestie, are going to be my wingwoman.”
“Well, someone has to be there to bail you out when their security catches you,” I joke. “Besides, I need a story to tell your children about how their mom was so much trouble.”
“Someone obviously needs to teach you the responsibility of being a wingwoman. It’s no joke, you know.”
“Ha. Very funny.” I scoff. “You better have a solid plan.”
“We are going to be volunteers,” she announces. “I’m already in the security team, for obvious reasons.”
“Of course.”
“Lucky for you, there was a spot available in the management team and I already gave your name. You just need to meet the head of the team once to confirm and to go over your tasks.”
“Does this mean we get to skip classes?” I ask, grinning from ear to ear.
“Hell yeah!”
This actually works well in my favor since volunteering work can have late hours. The fests at my university have always been a big event with lots of different colleges coming to participate in all the games we conduct and finally ending it with a bang on the last day. It will be a perfect excuse to keep Riaan at arm’s length.
Looks like I’m going to win, after all.
Chapter Thirty