Page 67 of She will Always be Mine
“You need to forgive your mom, sweetheart. She’s hurting too much and you know I hate it when she’s upset.”
I pull away from him and angrily reply, “Why should I? She chose to ignore me, Dad. I did everything she asked of me and it still wasn’t enough.”
“Parents make mistakes too,” he reminds me. “If you deserve forgiveness, then so does she. Your mother has her own struggles that you have no idea of and it’s because she’s always hidden them well. You are her whole world, Nyra.”
“Is that why she’s taking pills again?” I finally demand, unable to keep it inside any longer. Dad’s shoulders tense and he stares at me in shock, so I confess, “I heard you talking about it with Mom.”
He sighs before answering, “Yes. She had to take them again when her nightmares and insomnia came back.”
“What do you mean came back?” I don’t tell him I caught her having one too.
I watch him struggle with whether or not to tell me and I’m about to let it go, when he speaks. “Your mother went through a traumatic experience when she was young and for some reason, those memories of hers have resurfaced.” When my eyes go wide, he reassures me, “Don’t worry, she is slowly getting better. Your mother is the strongest woman I know."
“What happened to her?” I can’t help but ask. It’s exactly like I predicted. Though I don’t understand how it’s related to me.
“It’s not my story to share, sweetie. You can be angry at her all you want, but know that she was only trying to protect you and it took her a while to realize it wasn’t the right way. So give her a chance. Okay?” he coaxes softly.
“I will.”
He rises up to leave and when he’s almost at the door, he turns around and surprises me yet again.
“Also, you might wanna do it sooner because she and I have decided to send you back to Pune at the start of the new semester.”
Chapter Twenty-Three
We’re sending you back to Pune.
My father’s words still haven’t sunk in despite playing in my head on a loop since yesterday.
They were completely unexpected, unbelievable and a little bit dreadful to think about. I’m more concerned and flabbergasted that it was a mutual decision made by my parents.
How the hell did my mom even agree to it? Is this another one of her tricks? Or maybe a test?
It has to be the latter because there’s no way she would be willing to send me back anywhere near Riaan unless she has a motive. Or have I become too cynical to believe she may have simply given me another chance? Perhaps it’s an olive branch she’s dangling over my head so we can mend our tumultuous relationship.
I honestly can’t fucking decide.
Paranoia and trust issues will do that to you.
While she may want us to be closer again, she still doesn’t trust me to stay away from Riaan. She will forever stand in my way, even if I fix the other mess created by Zain.
In fact, he’s the last person she should trust, especially anywhere near me.
I have a tiny fear that she may have asked him to keep an eye on me while I’m there. A possibility I didn’t think of until now. That’s why her decision to send me back is unsettling me so damn much.
Yet all of it is overshadowed by the fact that there’s only one more week left. Seven more days until I’m back where my heart, body, and soul belongs. My light.My Riaan.
Riaan is the only one I let inside my thoughts when I’m writing to him in my diary, which he will never read.
Uttering his name when I’m missing him too damn much. His broody eyes, possessive mouth, and intense protectiveness.
Dreaming of his memories when I’m aching for peace, the only balm to quiet my chaotic mind.
But does he even know I’m coming back?
I still haven’t talked to him since that night. Because as soon as I woke up the next morning, I felt guiltier and selfish for using his weakness for me.