Page 44 of She will Always be Mine
ARROGANT THIEF: Only this time, though.
ARROGANT THIEF:Tell me… She hasn’t hurt you again, has she?
Even though she hasn’t slapped me again, I don’t think she will ever again, not because Riaan threatened her but because I sense she regrets it herself. I don’t even blame her anymore because I know she wasn’t herself that night and her emotions were running high.
Still, I can’t deny that emotionally and mentally her indifference stabs and pains me deeply. At least when she lashes out, I know she’s feeling something. Like she did two nights ago.
Shaking off those thoughts, I focus back on Riaan.
ME:Of course not. My mother is not a bad person.
I tell him this because I don’t want him to paint the wrong picture in his head. He doesn’t have to agree with her actions but he needs to respect her nonetheless.
He has no clue that her decisions have come from a good heart and she’s protecting me just like any parent would.
ARROGANT THIEF:I never said she was. But I hate the thought of anyone hurting you. No matter who they are, and you need to accept that.
ME:I know.
ARROGANT THIEF:Good girl. Now tell me you’re mine.
I can feel my cheeks heating as I read those words again and again. I have ached—no,longed—to hear them and even though I expected them, I’m still not prepared to absorb their impact; still not used to the way they make my heart go faster, or the fact that a shiver runs down my spine and goosebumps erupt all over my skin.
However, it’s only because I fear I might never hear them again.
I’m terrified of the thought I succeeded in pushing him away and he’s finally letting me go.
That maybe he decided I’m not worthy of him and he’ll leave me all alone.
But he proves me wrong and I want to kick myself for ever doubting him for a second. The way he still believes in us gives me a tiny glimmer of hope.
A smile tugs at the corner of my lips when his domineering side appears as I stare at my screen. Oh, how I missed it as well.
But slowly, the smile slips because saying it will be nothing less than admitting—promising—that we can be together. That there’s still a fighting chance for us. And I know I can’t give him or myself that false hope when there are so many complicated obstacles standing in our way. I can’t make a promise that I may have to break again.
So, I don’t.
ME:I can’t. I’m sorry.
Exhaling roughly, I realize it’s my fault and that I should’ve resisted harder and not texted him. One moment of weakness and I’ve hurt him again by denying him the words he desires more than anything. I expect him to hurl angry words at me or accuse me of how I’ve hurt him again.
But his reaction, it’s something I’m utterly unprepared for.
Or maybe I’m lying and it’s everything I desired all along.
ARROGANT THIEF:Your offenses are piling up, baby girl. You’re going to be so sorry when I get my hands on you.
ARROGANT THIEF:Besides,I made you say it once and I will make you say it again, my little liar. And when I do, I won’t be satisfied until I’ve tattooed it on your skin so you can’t deny it ever again. I’m going to make you scream it until your throat is raw and aching. I won’t stop until I have imprinted it into your very soul, So deep that you can’t ever bear the thought of not belonging to me.
My lips open to release a silent gasp and I swallow when a wave of brutal lust hits my core out of nowhere and my clit pulses with the rhythm of my heartbeat.
His filthy mouth.
His raw masculine intensity.
Hisdark intentions.