Page 101 of She will Always be Mine
I tap my foot on the ground and put my hands on my waist as I accuse him, “Not by buying the damn place.”
“And yet not once I’ve heard you say you want me gone,” he throws back.
“Sure I have,” I answer with a flip of my hair.
“No. All you’ve done is give half-assed excuses and tell me how we shouldn’t be together.” Stalking over to me, he questions seriously, “Do you want me to leave, Nyra? I’ll still be here every morning and every night, though.”
When I hesitate and take too long to answer, his lips tilt to the side and he looks downright sinful. “Whether you like it or not, I’ll be living here. So stop complaining, baby.”
“I hate you.”
“I love you too,” he says, chuckling. Even his laugh is sexy. Giving me a kiss, he orders, “Now go sit while I bring us dessert.”
Back in the living room, my eyes catches on my phone and dread settles in knowing I can’t ignore it forever. It also reminds me of the fact that I can’t constantly live in fear and need to come up with a plan to go to my aunt’s house and search Zain’s room for all the dirt he has against me. I’ll have to make sure he’s not there.
The sound of footsteps approaching has me putting on an easy smile as Riaan serves me a dark caramel chocolate pastry. When I only see one plate, I ask, “Where’s yours?”
“I don’t eat sweets.”
“But why?” I ask like it’s a crime.
“I only have an appetite for one dessert and that’s you,” he teases.
“Well, that’s not on the menu for tonight.”
He laughs and it’s music to my ears as it distracts me from my chaotic thoughts. Sitting sideways, he pulls me closer and my breath stutters when his thumb brushes the corner of my mouth. Pushing it between my lips, he softly murmurs, “Suck.”
The taste of chocolate hits my tongue as I obey and lust darkens his features. I let his thumb go with a pop and lick my lips, making him groan and narrow his gaze.
“Keep that up and you won’t be able to finish it.”
“No way.”
I take my time eating and torturing him by licking the chocolate from my fingers. I don’t know why I like to push him so much. Perhaps, because it’s addictive. Besides, why should I be the only one left aching with need and horny?
“How were things at home, Nyra?” he asks carefully. “Just talk to me.”
It takes everything inside me not to crumble as flashbacks of all the sleepless nights I survived alone play behind my eyes. Not a soul knows the torment I’ve suffered or how close I came to falling into a dark void.
As I look into Riaan’s concerned gaze, I’m reminded of my betrayal. Will he even believe me if I told him about Zain? And if he does, will he forgive me for hiding it from him?
He still thinks I gave up on us and that my parents are the only obstacle standing in our way, but that’s so far from the truth.
Ultimately, the decisions I made were to protect him. I foolishly thought I was being smart. But now, I can’t help but doubt myself.
My heart says it’s not too late to tell him.
But my mind, which is ruled by fear, says otherwise.
I have two choices…tell the truthorlie.
Sadly, whichever I choose, I know it ends with us tearing apart.
Chapter Thirty-Four
When it comes to Nyra, patience is not my strongest virtue.