Page 20 of A Curvy Girl for the Prince
But fine. I’ll meet Albert Ray for a second date at a local bowling alley. Of course, this isn’t just any bowling alley. BowlCon is a huge multiplex that resembles an adult arcade. There actuallyarearcade games in the back, in addition to a full-service restaurant, multiple flatscreens blasting various sports events, as well as shiny bowling lanes complete with neon lights.
“Hey, you look great,” Albert says when I walk up to our lane. The young man looks handsome with his chestnut hair brushed back and his mobile mouth in a smile. He’s wearing a blue fitted shirt, as well as black jeans. There are probably dozens of ladies who’d die to be in my shoes right now, although not my literal shoes, of course.
“You don’t think these bowling sneakers are terrible?” I ask, pointing down at the rented kicks. He chuckles.
“Not at all. You look cute.”
“Thanks,” I say, smiling despite myself. “So, should we start? I’m not very good, but I can hit a couple pins.”
Albert nods, looking around vaguely.
“Yeah, definitely, let me just order some beer first.”
Then, he makes an odd hand signal to someone in the back, and before I know it, a manager materializes at my elbow.
“Ma’am, we just got in some new bowling shoes,” the middle-aged man says in an insipid tone. “Would you like to try?”
“Oh no, I’m fine,” I say, shooting a confused look at Albert. “These are perfectly okay, thanks.”
But Albert eggs me on.
“Just try them,” he urges, his blue eyes glinting in the flashing lights. “You know that sharing footwear can be dangerous. I know BowlCon sprays them with disinfectant after each use, but you could get athlete’s foot, among other diseases.”
I stare at my date. He looks handsome and confident, yet oddly insistent that I need to change shoes. Why, is my outfit bothering him in some way? Maybe Albert’s used to dating ladies who are dressed to the nines, and I’m letting him down somehow.
“Okay,” I say in a dubious tone. “I guess I’ll switch.”
“Perfect,” the manager says while clapping his hands. “If you’ll just follow me, ma’am, I’ll take you to where we keep the high-end shoes. Not everyone gets them,” he adds in a conspiratorial whisper. “They’re kept only for VIPs.”
I wonder if he means VIPs, as in the Rays. They’re certainly a high-powered family, so I suppose it makes sense that the family and their guests get special treatment. Still, this feels weird. My spidey sense is tingling as I follow the manager down a hallway and into a private room.
“Ah, here we are,” the manager says in an expansive tone. “Here you go, boys.”
Suddenly, someone grabs me from the back, making my head rattle on my shoulders.
“Hey, what’s going on?” I gasp, shocked by the sudden violence. But then, a wet handkerchief is pressed across my nose, and I breathe deeply of an odd, sickly-sweet smell. What is that? Before I can form another thought, my eyes close and I go limp in the arms of my assailants.
“What the fuck?” I demand. “Where is she?”
Nerilda shrugs.
“Beats me,” the madame says. “I swear I’d tell you if I knew, Prince Haakon, but Matilda hasn’t been around here of late. Actually, she only came by once, and that was when I set her up with you.”
I stare at the older woman, my gaze vengeful.
“You better not be lying.”
Nerilda’s not intimidated in the least.
“Listen, I know that whores aren’t exactly the most trustworthy of sources, but believe me: I am not lying when it comes to Matilda. If anything, if you see her, would you pass on a message from me? Mainly, that she can make big bucks working for the House of Silk. Men love innocent, sassy young things, and she fits the bill.”
I snort. Fuck, this sucks. What the hell is going on? To be honest, I wasn’t sure what was going to happen after our encounter at the driving range. I half-expected to hear from Nerilda, bawling me out for compromising one of her girls, but then I remembered that the date with Albert Ray wasn’t set up by the House of Silk. Instead, it was arealdate, which only makes me angrier.
“Well, do you know where she might be?” I demand, my brows drawing down in a fierce frown.