Page 11 of A Curvy Girl for the Prince
My handsome prince merely chuckled behind me before straightening to spit onto my asshole. He watched with satisfaction as the warm saliva dripped around my violently-stretched anus, the rim sensitive and raw with his massive cock buried inside.
“It’ll feel good, honey,” he crooned. “Just give it a little time.”
Then, my prince began fucking me. I want to say that he was gentle and kind, and the experience was like sailing out on a smooth sea, except that would be a lie. Haakon is an animal, and I was taking his double cocks deep in all of my orifices last night. He sodomized me, used my pussy, tossed me around so that I sampled both of his cocks in each hole, and then plugged my mouth with both shafts stuffed inside, so tight and hard that there were tears streaming down my cheeks.
“You look so beautiful like this,” he rasped, staring down at me with bright blue eyes while gently pushing damp curls off my forehead. “You look completely fucked out, and that’s how I like my women.”
Of course, I was utterly used by morning. I’d been taking cock in my asshole, pussy, and mouth non-stop for hours by then, and as a former virgin, it wasn’t easy. The brutality was difficult to handle, and yet I loved it, and only wanted to please my prince because he made me feel things that I’d only read about in books. He made my body quiver, and my eyes see stars. I passed out more than once, only to revive with his mouth on my clit and his fingers in my asshole. Then, he’d bring me to climax again, the sheets sweaty and our mutual cries of pleasure filling the bedroom chamber. I limped away the next morning, still damp and flushed from his take-no-prisoners treatment of my curves.
But now, I’m home and hopefully, looking normal as I sit at the breakfast table with my parents.
“Are you ready for work today?” my mom asks with a beaming smile while placing fluffy pancakes before me.
“Yes,” I nod, hoping that I appear presentable. Of course, I hopped into the shower as soon as I got home in the wee hours, washing the tang of sweat and sex off my skin. Yet I can still feel Haakon inside me, and shift uncomfortably in the kitchen chair. My pussy aches and my asshole feels raw and ravaged, but in a good way. I wonder if I’ll ever see Haakon again? Then my face falls because the answer is probably not. Our Crown Prince likes virgins, and I’m certainly not a virgin anymore.
Fortunately, my parents don’t seem to notice my change in mood.
“Well, don’t work too hard today,” my mom enjoins while sharing a smile with my dad. “Because Daddy and I have something planned for you this evening.”
I blink, unable to compute. My mind just isn’t working this morning, and the reasons are obvious.
“I’m sorry, what?”
Gerald harrumphs while shaking out his newspaper.
“You’re going on a date tonight, Matilda,” he says. “With a family friend’s son.”
I stare at them. A date with some random boy is the last thing I want right now.
“I’m sorry?” I repeat again, still unable to function. “With whom?”
Maria practically squeals while sitting down at the table to her own pancakes.
“Do you remember Albert Ray, the son of Geraldine and John Ray? You used to get along so well when you were children, and my understanding is that Albert’s in line to take over his father’s business once John retires. You know, the Ray Shipping Company. They do a lot of trade all throughout the Mediterranean and are quite well-to-do these days.”
I squint, trying to remember Albert. I know the Rays of course, because they’ve been friends with my family for years. But Albert? All that I can remember is a nice-enough boy of about twelve or so with soft brown hair and a gentle manner.
“Oh right, him,” I say in a faint voice. “How old is he now?”
“A little older than you,” my mom says in an enthusiastic voice. “But he’s a great catch, honey. Albert graduated from college last year, and is already back in Lysenia apprenticing at his father’s company. Meeting him is a great opportunity for you.”
I nod, blinking at my pancakes. Of course my parents think so because the Rays recently bought a fancy home in the center of town, from what I recollect. My parents are obviously eager for me to make a match, and the wealthier the boy, the better.
Still, it’s obvious that Albert’s no comparison for Prince Haakon. After all, would he have double dicks? A way with his tongue that makes me pant with need? The ability to make me come four times in a row, until I’m breathless and utterly sated? I think not. The most Albert can offer is a modest fortune and a comfortable lifestyle as a member of the upper-middle class. That’s not what I want, nor what I’m looking for.
Yeah, but what you want and what you’re going to get are two different things, my conscience reminds me.Do you think Prince Haakon is going to date you? Marry you? Carry you off on a white steed into the sunset? Come on, Matilda. He thinks you’re a whore and literally paid Nerilda for your innocence. Last night was a one time thing and you’ll never see him again.
The words hurt, but I steel myself because the voice in my head is right. Haakon bought and paid for me, and now he’s gotten what he wanted. I’m no longer a virgin, so why would he stick around for more?
As a result, I nod and smile at my parents.
“Right, Albert,” I say in a stronger voice. “Sure, it could be nice to see him again. When is the date?”
“Tonight!” Maria exclaims, her eyes alight with happiness. “Albert’s mom made a reservation at the Lysenian Country Club for you two. You’ll have a wonderful time at the driving range, honey.”
I stare at Maria.
“The driving range? Golf? Really? That sounds like a weird activity for a first date.”