Page 82 of Riley & Kane: Complete Set
“I need to tend your wound, Morgan.” He let his gaze wander over her strawberry-blonde waves, wishing for light so he could determine the color of her eyes. “We will reach our home faster if I carryyou.”
“Ourhome?” She paused in her litany, looking confused. “What did you mean, I’m the angel you askedfor?”
“Exactly that. I’ve prayed for you. Every night for decades.” Another hot spurt of seed made a trail through his leg hair. “My two brothers already had their prayers answered, finding wives in town. I…” Embarrassment lanced him in the middle, remembering how vastly different his experiences had been compared to his brothers’. “I have not. Untilnow.”
“Oh, no. No, no. I’m not her.” Morgan tipped her head back and let out a relieved laugh. “This is one big misunderstanding. I’m just on vacation with my mother in Key Largo. Or I was until she started sucking face with a guy who owns way too much Tommy Bahama. And I blew a tire back on the road.” She gave him a big smile and reached out to pat his shoulder once. “I’m not wifey, man. Glad we cleared thisup.”
“Youare…wifey.” The word sounded ridiculous on his tongue and he scowled, a bolt beginning to turn in his stomach. Was it possible his gift didn’t know she’d been sent forhim?
If so, how would be convinceher?
Unlike his brothers, Rixen held no appeal for women. He’d assumed when his angel arrived, she would be prepared to live with him in the swamp forever. Morgan seemed determined to leave as soon as possible. Was this another test of his strength? His decades of waiting were the first. Perhaps an unwilling mate was the next one? If so, he would conquer it. He would conquer anything for the girl in front ofhim.
The closer he got to Morgan, the more her beauty enraptured him. Not only due to the fullness of her mouth and the splattering of freckles on her nose. No, her spirit rang out like the church bells he sometimes heard in the distance. Honest and clear. She had been scared of the alligator, but also refused to give in to the fear. Rixen admired that. Admired the determination he’d seen in Morgan to keep running. And even now, she was clearly afraid of Rixen but refused to give an inch of ground. A fierce beauty all hisown.
God, his hands ached to unfasten her shorts and explore her pussy with his fingers. Would she be as warm and wet as he’d imagined all those lonely nights? What would it take for her to release a flood of pleasure into his waiting palm? He’d been studying books on how to mate ever since he’d woken up with soaked underwear as a teenager. Justwaitingfor this day. His chance to apply everything he’d learned. Now that Morgan stood in front of him, more gorgeous than he could have ever imagined, his wealth of knowledge didn’t seem like enough. Her perfection demanded theworld.
“You’re making me nervous, Rixen,” Morganmurmured.
Rixen realized his breathing had grown labored, his gaze fastened to the juncture of her thighs. “You have nothing to fear from me, mygift.”
She hummed. “Mmm. I don’t know. Sounds like you’re not thrilled with the idea of pointing me back toward the road and going about yourevening.”
Although her tone was almost playful, Rixen could see her confidence ebbing. Yet it was becoming obvious he could do nothing to ease her concerns. She wanted to leave. He couldn’t allow that. Ever. “That won’t be happening. Your place is with menow.”
“That’s what I was afraid of,” she whispered, then a thought seemed to occur to her. “Wait. What if your actual wife-to-be shows up? Aren’t you worried she’ll be mad when she sees me chilling in herplace?”
Rixen took a step closer to Morgan, his hunger clawing at him, begging him to drag her down, muffle her screams and unburden the load between his thighs. No. No, he would not scare his mate. No harm would come to her. And fucking her without calming her fears first would definitely be harmful. “When I saw you facing off with the animal, I knew with my whole being that if he killed you, I would spend my days wishing to follow you.” Craving the softness her skin promised, Rixen cupped her cheek. “My body knows we’re meant to be joined. It leaks with the proof. And every time you force your fears away and speak like you’re in charge, my heart grows more and more positive that you’re mine. This forest could be full of women in the morning all claiming to be my gift and I wouldn’t be able to stop staring at you—needingyou— long enough to listen. I am yours from this night on. And you are most definitely mine,Morgan.”
Taking advantage of her open-mouthed surprise, Rixen scooped her up into his arms, turned on a booted heal and started back toward his home. Lord above, holding this girl close was like being drunk, while at the same time being totally clearheaded. She fit against him perfectly, her feet dangling on one side, her head on a swivel as she took in the passingscenery.
“Do not worry. I won’t let anything happen toyou.”
“You’rewhat’s happening, bro.” She squirmed in his arms, but he held her still. “Oh my God. This is real. I’m being kidnapped.” A sob fell from her mouth, assaulting Rixen’s ears. “On the one hand, I don’t have to constantly worry about being kidnapped anymore. It’s done. It happened, you know? This is one immersive way to face afear.”
Rixen frowned, something sharp eating into his chest. “I do not like that you’ve been scared all this time. I was right here, Morgan, waiting to protectyou.”
“What if I don’t want to beprotected?”
“You said you wereafraid.”
“Yes, but I was protectingmyself.And also yes, I did just say that while being carried by a giant through the Everglades to a second location.” She leaned back in his arms, seeming to scan the trees. “Is it too much to hope for that CCTV is picking thisup?”
“I’m notfamiliar.”
Rixen stepped over the body of the dead alligator and Morgan whimpered. “You know, my car is up on the road. It’s a back road, but still. Someone is eventually going to come looking. This is going to look much better to a jury if I’m not found chained in yourbasement.”
He stopped walking. “Why would I chain youup?”
Morgan wet her lips and he almost exploded in his pants from the sight. “Okay, so…you’re what? A zip ties kind ofguy?”
This was definitely a test. Rixen finally meets the girl who he planned to worship until his final day on this earth and she was convinced he had evil intentions. “Angel, I want to bandage your ankle, feed you and…” He used a wave of willpower to beat back the lust before it swallowed him whole. Not easy when her tits bounced around at her neckline with his every step, the smooth backs of her thighs sending signals of need to his cock. “After I do those things, I want to take off your shorts and lay you in my bed. I want to find your little clitoris and lick it. I want to lick it so fucking bad.” A groan ripped out of him, his mind commanding him to devour what was his. “Do most kidnappers want their victims to come on theirface?”
“Was that rhetorical?” Morgan rasped, before shaking herself. “S-so this is totally a sex thing? B-because…” A shudder wracked her. “I think that’s what I’m most afraid of, man. You’re like the biggest Viking that ever Viking’d.” She shook harder. “And I’ve never…I’ve never done this. Or anything like it. Oh myGod.”
“Virgin,” he rasped, his balls tightening all the more. Possession burning through his blood. “You’ve never had aman.”