Page 59 of Riley & Kane: Complete Set
“Sasha,” she murmurs, sitting up and smoothing her skirt back into place. “How will we…see each other while I’m at college?” She twines her arms around my neck, obviously not noticing I’ve gone stiff at her question. Her smile has always rivaled the sun’s beauty, but the orgasm has made her glow. So now I must add smiling to the list of things she will not do around other men. But I can’t focus on that now, because there’s much to make clear. “Maybe you can come see me on weekends? Or…I can come home. I mean, if…if this is something you want to doagain— ”
“If?” I say, quietly.Dangerously.
She stops playing with the ends of my hair, and I almost bellow at the loss. “Yes.If.”
I forget about such trivial things as hair. “If is not a word in my vocabulary when it comes to you, Anya. Only when andhow.”
“Good.” She lays a kiss on my chin, nearly derailing my concentration. Nearly. “I don’t want there to be any ifs,either.”
“Eks?l?nt,” I say. “Because there will be none of thiscollege.”
I catch only a glimpse of Anya’s mouth dropping open before I throw her over my shoulder and leave thelibrary.
Chapter Five
None of this college.None of thiscollege?
Didn’t I know something like this was coming? When Sasha said he never intends to leave me, I should have questioned him further. In the back of my mind, wasn’t there always a belief that he couldn’t simply move me into the dorm and drive away? Furthermore, that it would be so…wrongto part from him, after everything we’ve beenthrough?
My mother’s death, high school, my driver’s test, collegeapplications.
Thunderstorms, injuries,loneliness.
Sasha was there for it all. Theonlyone who wasthere.
Especially now that I know what my body sensed all along wasn’t a fluke…and we are oh - so - freaking compatible…not being with Sasha every day fills me with unimaginable sadness. Not only do I love this man, but there’s no denying he just woke up something inside me. Wild, consuming sensations that I don’t think I can live without. And there’s a beat pounding in my heart, telling me Sasha is the only one in the universe who can give them tome.
But.Oh, there are some seriousbuts.
I stopped trying to make Sasha notice me as something but an honorary niece long ago. No matter what I did, he didn’t seem interested in me beyond my being his ward. A…job. So I threw myself into school work — focused on it hard — and realized a degree is something I want badly. Some day I want to be the one unlocking the library doors and deciding what’s stocked on the shelves. Maybe for a lot of girls, college is a given. But not in my world. If my father had it his way, I would be kept under lock and key until I need false teeth. I fought for this chance to attend school, and I’m not going to compromise one dream for the sake ofanother.
Currently, one of those dreams is carrying me down a crowded sidewalk like a sack of potatoes, and fine, the caveman routine might work for me a lot of the time. But not today. Not when the future I’ve worked so hard for is atstake.
“Sasha!” I scream through my teeth. “We have to talk about this. Put me down. Rightnow.”
“I do not think this wise,” he says, sounding completelycalm.
“I don’t care.” I bunch a fist and ram it awkwardly into his back. Of course, it ends up making my own wrist throb. “Ouch,dammit.”
Sasha clucks his tongue. “I taught you to punch better thanthat.”
“Excuse me, miss? Are youokay?”
My blood cools, then freezes, at the sound of a strange man’s voice. Not because I feel threatened. Oh no. An angry mob could be chasing me and as long as Sasha was there, I wouldn’t feel an ounce of fear. No, my jolt of alarm has everything to do with the newcomer’s safety. Notmine.
Beneath my draped body, Sasha’s shoulders turn to rippling iron, his step slowing to a stop. I struggle in his grip to get myself upright, and Sasha lets me, remaining still as a marble statue as I slide down the front of him. I can count on one hand the number of times another man has dared to question Sasha — and it hasneverhappened in relation to my well - being. When I catch sight of the deadly intensity he’s directing at the stranger, I know I have to intervene or he’s going to decorate the sidewalk with homeboy’sguts.
“Hey.” I frame his face with my hands and attempt to get his attention, but his neck is stiff, his gray gaze never leaving the stranger. “Sasha.”
“Move…” he rasps, one of his eyes twitching. “Along.”
A nervous laugh. “I was only checking to see if the girlwas— ”
Sasha surges forward with malice written on hisface.