Page 5 of Riley & Kane: Complete Set
Something clickedinto place when I saw this girl. Watching her dive into the water from beyond the trees, an obsession was formed that willneverbe matched. It can grow deeper, though. That much was just proven. When her tiny hand gripped the front of my shirt, I knew why the beast inside me went wild at the very sight of her—all lithe and serious and strong-willed andmine.
It wants to be tamed. Domesticated.Iwantthat.
The animal inside me must have recognized his mate. Hismatch.
So small and fierce on the mattress, her hips wiggling around as I rip the shorts free of her beautiful body, revealing delicate hipbones and tight pink panties. Good Lord. I could crush her physically, but she has the power to crush my very soul with a frown, a pout. God help me if shecries.
I release an anguished sound at the very prospect, and it draws Lainey’s attention. She doesn’t even flinch when she looks at my hideous face. No, she looks curious—maybe even surprised—more than anything. What does she see, if not my scars and monstrous features? “You may take off my panties now,Carver.”
Lust is a pitiful term for the wave of starvation that swamps me. I’m a giant freak that barely fits inside his own home, and this little girl has full control of me. Whether she realizes it or not, she could make me kneel at her feet with a flick of her pinkie. I’ve never understood why God cursed me with this body that inspires terror, but I think I’m beginning to understand. I was equipped with everything I need to serve and protect myprincess.
My hands are dirty and unfit to touch her, but I can’t stop them from clutching her underpants and tugging them down, revealing a sweet, innocent pussy, covered in just a dusting of fair hair. “It’s unclaimed.” I toss away the pink panties and shove her thighs apart to study the gift I’ve been blessed with. Smooth and dewy, like a sliced peach. My fucking mouth is watering at the sight of it. “It looks like it’s never even taken afinger.”
Pink climbs her neck. “Ithasn’t.”
“You are…embarrassedby this?” My hands travel down the insides of her legs, pressing them wide on the mattress, my tongue growing desperate for a taste. “If my life’s suffering meant I’d be the first man to pump his cock into that good girl hole, consider me cured of my bitterness. I’mgrateful.” I run a thumb down the split of her sex, enjoying her gasp. “I’m a filthy monster coming to you with an ugly, leaking cock, asking to live between your thighs for the rest of his life. Demanding it. If anyone is embarrassed, it should beme.”
I watch in awe as Lainey sits up, peeling off her tank top. My senses are still reeling from the sight of her sexy tits when she…Jesus, is she really touching my face? I melt into her hand and moan, every cell in my body racing toward the unexpected point of contact. She’s touching me without recoiling. I never would have expected that in my most unrealisticdreams.
Her fingers twist in my hair, pulling tight. Tighter. “Did you forget what you were supposed to be doing,Carver?”
Pleasure wracks me at the sound of her saying my name in that peeved tone of voice. The tingle of discomfort along my scalp is better than anything I’ve ever experienced, because she’s the one inflicting it. I can’t believe this incredible creature is upset because I’m taking too long to lick her pussy. Have I died and gone to heaven? “No, princess. I didn’tforget.”
She winds her fists in my hair. “What has you sodistracted?”
“Your breasts.” I stare down at those pink, puckered buds and heave a shuddering groan. God, I need her. I need her so bad. “Your…size. So small. I just want to do this without hurtingyou.”
“You can’t hurt me with yourtongue.”
“Oh no? It’s wider than your cunt.” I press my thumb to her entrance, tucking just the top inside.Too tight.“Yeah, my tongue is going to want deep inside here. It’s going to push your lips apart to get to the good stuff. Might as well be fuckingyou.”
Not for the first time, her gaze falls to my heavy balls, the shaft that juts out from their center like a tree branch, complete with sap dripping from the tip. Having her stare at me there sets off a thunder crack of arousal in my belly, and my hand wraps around the engorged flesh, jerking it off furiously. “I think you’re having a hard time listening,” she says in a rush. “I told you to earnit.”
“Yes. I will,” I breathe, falling forward and landing on my left elbow. The bed almost upends itself under my weight, but my mouth is only inches from that place between her thighs, the place I’m going to spend my life satisfying any way I can—and I can’t think past the roaring of my heart. A sense of purpose. “It looks…wet. What made it thatway?”
“I-I…don’t know. Ithink—”
I surge forward and take a long lap at her flesh, my mind exploding with light andrightness. As I gather the dew left behind on my lips, my body shudders head to toe over the perfect taste and scent of my mate. “Tell me, please. What made you damp here? I needmore.”
Her hips squirm beneath me, and I start to pin them with a forearm, until she stops me with a vicious tug of my hair. “You’re so big and I’m so…not. Having you obey commands from me is kind of amazing. All that power given tome…” Her lower half writhes on the mattress. “I think it’s what m-made me likethis.”
Yes. Is it ironic that Lainey wants me at her beck and call and yet I’ve never felt like more of a man? What is a man if he can’t provide for his woman? Providing for Lainey means letting her order me around. My cock sags lower, planting on the mattress beneath. My balls fill with ample seed to plant inside her fertile body. “Consider me your servant,” I rasp, parting her pussy with the tip of my tongue and rubbing, rubbing her tiny source of pleasure. “Does the princess likethis?”
“Oh.Yes.” The surprise in her voice has my dick stretching to its full length. I’m the first one to gratify this pussy. She doesn’t even know what the fuck it’s supposed to feel like. “Carver.Don’tstop.”
Carefully as possible, so as not to harm her, I place the V of my middle and index finger over her cunt, pressing down to expose the delicious pink path they’ve been hiding. Moisture glistens on smooth flesh, her swollen nub peeking out shyly for my attention. “I will guard you with mylife.” I circle her clit with my tongue, flattening my tongue on it and moving side to side, her whimpers echoing in my head. “I will protect your little pussy from predators and keep it only formyself. No one will dare look at it, or my face will be the last thing they see. You’re mine. You are mine forever.Forever.”
Unable to stop myself any longer, I slide my tongue to her snug hole and shove it deep, pain colliding with need in my chest when she screams, jerking hard on the ends of my hair. “Carver, too much. It’stoomuch.”
I keep my thumb strumming on her clit, praying to God not to keep her in pain for long. Her hands alternately bat at my head and pull me close, her open thighs squirming on either side of me. Dammit, I can’t tell if she’s feeling good or bad. And her taste is drowning me, making me lose any sense of reality. It’s so pure and sweet. I’m seeing nothing but her flesh, hearing nothing but my own grunts and growls. My hips begin to hump the bed, rocking it, banging it against the wall. The action also causes Lainey’s pussy to dip down and grind up into my tongue, over and over again. Is shemoaning?
Yes.God has answered my prayer and helped Lainey’s body adjust. Her pink bud is swollen and tucked between my lips where I suckle it, her arousal dripping from my chin. Fuck her. Fuck her and claim her.Now.
I rise up over her and fist my dick, prepared to feed every raw, ugly inch of it into her virgin cunt. There’s a whisper of warning in the back of my head, but it’s too low to hear over the roar of my inner beast, demanding I take what’s mine before another male sneaks in and does it first. Unrealistic, yes, considering I would snap their neck for even looking at Lainey, but tell that to my boiling blood, my unholy cockstand for one girl.Thisgirl.
“Carver—” Eyes wide with fear, she slaps at my shoulders. “No,wait.”