Page 42 of Riley & Kane: Complete Set
Have to bring her with me. “Now, remember. Daddy just couldn’t take it anymore.” I thrust deep as I can and begin to shudder, allowing the liquid seed to shoot up my cock. So good. So good. Jesus Christ. “This is all because of your teasing, brat,” I grit out, unimaginable pleasure wracking me. Owning me. “Youmademe dothis.”
At the last second, she joins me and we topple over the edge together. Watching her big eyes grow wide, broken sobs falling from her swollen lips, makes me come all the harder, my hips working overtime to pump her cunt full of Daddy. Christ almighty, she’s milking it something fierce, too. I thought it couldn’t get any better than last night, but I see I was wrong. Every time I take my little girl, she’s going to run the chance of gettingpregnant.
Hell, could be today. I’mstillnot done spurting. She’s cleaning me out. “Ain’t no choice. Can’t suit up. Sure as shit can’t pull out. Too snug. Too pretty. Won’t be long before you’re having Daddy’sbaby.”
Finally, I’ve got nothing left inside me and I drop onto the ground beside Clara, drawing her rug-burned body up against me. She turns in and tucks her feet between my legs, trust shining in her eyes. A feeling I’ve never experienced before rises up in my chest, robbing me of breath.Love.
I’m in love withClara.
She’s forbidden. But God help anyone who tries to take heraway.
Chapter Eleven
I’m walkingthrough the parking lot toward the eye doctor, my hand held protectively inside Rex’s much bigger one. Yes. We’re walking. But I feel like I’m floating ten thousand feet in the air, twirling through the clouds. I’m so content, I don’t know what to do with myself. A bunch of songs are crammed in my head—all of them extremely cheesy and involving wedding chapels. Who cares,though?
Rex doesn’t think I’m a weirdo like everyone else. I’ve been living with confusing fantasies in my head since puberty. They never involved my own father—ever—just a faceless authority figure. A man who would discipline me and love me unconditionally at the same time. He’s not faceless anymore. It’s Rex who gives me that. My fantasies are no longer these moving images I have to lock away. They’re shared. I get to act themout.
Speaking of acting them out…I’m not sure I want to save our games just for when we touch. I’m not sure I can. Having Rex hold my hand to bring me to a doctor’s appointment is almost as satisfying as having him inside me. I’m being cared for. He saw a problem with my vision no one else had addressed and handled it. Like a man. The man I’ve needed allalong.
“You got something on your mind,girl?”
Rex’s gruff voice sends pleasure shivering down my back. “I was wondering what will happen after we leave here.” I glance up at him. “You know, when you’re donehunting.”
He scoffs. “Only hunting I’ve been doing is under yourskirt.”
My face heats, along with other parts of me. God, I love the way he talks. It’s crude and honest and I never want him to be any other way. “After the trip, then. When we have to go back to reallife.”
We’re almost to the entrance, but Rex pulls me to a stop. He looks around for a second, before leading me around the shaded side of the building. With a hard knuckle, he tips up my chin. “You’re coming withme, Clara. Going to set you up in my place, make you real comfortable and happy. That’s as far as I’ve gotten.” He grunts, face moving into a frown. “Can’t even think about letting you go. Idea of it scares me. Ineedmygirl.”
“I need you, too,” I whisper, shaken by the euphoria that fills me. “I’ve needed youforever.”
“I’m here now.” He looks right to left, over his shoulder, then takes my breasts in his large hands, massaging them with a groan. Something about the action bothers me, but I’m too distracted to dwell. “Can’t keep my fucking hands offyou.”
“You don’t have to.” My head tips back, my breath shuddering out. “Kissme?”
“Yeah. Hell yeah.” Rex crowds me into the wall, leading with his hips, that jutting part of him. “Listen up. You’re going to suck and fuck this thing later.” He gives a rough thrust, grinding himself against my belly. “I’m going to film myself sinking in between your legs. All that slapping and squelching. Going to film my come dripping out of your bare pussy, so I can jerk to it on theboat.”
“Yes.”My panties are already soaked in my anticipation. But with a hard swallow, I shake my head. “You’re not going away yet, though, areyou?”
“No, little girl,” he says soothingly, bringing his mouth to mine, chafing my chin and cheeks with his beard. “Not until the fall. We got damn near a year before crabbing season. Until then, I’ll only work during theday.”
I try to look brave. “Okay.”
He makes a comforting sound, turning the edges of my worry fuzzy with a long kiss, his tongue rubbing against mine. Over and over and over. “Come on,” he rasps, taking my hand. “Let’s go get you someglasses.”
Just like before, I’m hovering in mid-air as Rex leads me through the glass door into the crowded optometrist. I forgot how different Rex and I are—physically. But every customer in the place regards us with interest and it’s hard to ignore. He’s older and much bigger. Rugged where I’m fragile. If Rex’s irritated expression is any indication, he doesn’t like the attention. And I get another bothersome twitch in my chest, just like the one I had outside when he checked for witnesses before touching me. But I tell myself to stop borrowing trouble. I’m holding Rex’s hand in public and he’s keeping me and life could not bebetter.
Rex made an appointment earlier over the phone, so after giving my name to the receptionist, we’re directed to a seating area. Only one seat is available and it’s natural as breathing for Rex to sit down and pat his knee. I perch on the hard surface of it, sighing over the flex under my butt. His hand comes to rest on my thigh and I turn into his chest. Fluid movements neither one of seem able to help. Only a few breaths later, his attention lands on my mouth and I shiver, my nipplestightening.
When they call my name, I stand up to find all eyes on us. And they’re not just interested anymore. No, they seem kind of…wary.Disapproving.
A curl of Rex’s upper lip makes them all turn away, go back to their own business. But I walk into the examination room feeling uneasy. Not because I give a rat’s behind what other people think…but because I don’t think Rex is cool with it. At all. He’s stoic as the woman examines my eyes, his big arms crossed. What is he thinkingabout?
“Have you heard of anisometropia?” asks the doctor, interrupting my worry. “You have different refractive power in each eye, Mrs.Bates.”
I ignore the fact that she referred to me asMrs.“Is that…bad?”