Page 30 of Riley & Kane: Complete Set
“Yes,” I moan, static tickling my veins. Energy snaps inside me at the right. At the wrong. All of it. “Oh my God. Yes, yes,yes.”
I sob once. Twice. “Yes, UncleRex.”
We spiral into a kiss after that and it’s so wet, so sexual, I’m whining in my throat by the time it’s over, clawing at his shoulders. He pants at my mouth upon pulling away. “Where’s yourcar?”
“Um…” I search through my brain fog, finally coming up with an answer and pointing to the parking lot at the rear of the building. “There. The grayCamry.”
The words are barely out of my mouth before we’re striding in that direction, his hands roaming underneath my skirt, those callused fingers sliding beneath my thong, tracing the crack of my bottom. And all the while, I’m like a greedy koala bear, clinging to him and licking every patch of bare skin I can find. There’s not much except for his neck and an inch of chest, where I rake my teeth through that curly black hair that drives meinsane.
We must have been kissing for a while, because my car is the only one left in the rear lot, although voices still carry from the front of the auditorium. As soon as we reach my car, Rex pushes me face down over the hood and lifts up my skirt. I’m still gasping when my thong is wrenched down to myankles.
“Can’t bang you how I want, niece, but this sweet little ass is too tight and pretty to call a consolationprize.”
When I feel his tongue traveling down between my cheeks, I don’t expect it to feel so amazing. But when he gets where he’s going—that entrance I never imagined anyone touching—and he starts to bathe it with rough, thorough licks, my clitoris begins to tingle with epic sensitivity. More and more until my hands become fists on the hood of the car, screams trapping in my throat. What did he mean about my bottom being a consolation prize? Is he going to put himself inside methere?
I turn to watch over my shoulder, just as Rex straightens. My pussy swells and grows unbearably wet, watching him spit in his palm and stroke the saliva onto himself. He does it three times until his erection is huge and glistening in the moonlight, those thick, hair-covered balls resting in the V of hisfly.
Our eyes meet. “If you don’t want to give Uncle Rex that ass, speak up now. Once I’ve got a few inches in, the time for negotiations is over. You’re getting ridden like a prize fucking pony.” He curses under his breath. “You’re such an innocent thing and I’m going to hell for taking you like this, but I need to get my come inside you somehow or I’ll go insane, youunderstand?”
Does he actually think I would say no toanythinginvolving him? I’m so desperate to please and be pleased, I’m shaking. “I want it. I wantyou.”
His hand plants in the center of my back, pushing me down flush with the hood of the car. “Oh, you’re getting every inch of me, girl.” I feel his plump head at my back entrance and listen to his strangled grunt. “I’m doing a very bad thing. Very bad. But I’m leaving you a virgin, Clara. Can’t pop my niece’s cherry. Can’tdoit.”
“Yes, you can,” I breathe, tilting my hips. “It’syours.”
“No. This is how it has to be.” With a rude drive, a few inches of his thickness are inside my bottom, stretching me. Discomfort digs in its claws. My thighs scramble on the bumper, trying to change the angle and ease the strain, but I’m pinned beneath hips much larger than mine. “Shhh.” His hand is suddenly between my legs, two fingers finding my clit and rubbing it clockwise, slow, slow, slow. “I’ll take care ofyou.”
A few seconds of his touch and the pain begins to fade into a numb throb. “That feels so good.” His fingers move faster, rougher, dragging my clit with them until the friction begins to take effect, begins to tighten something at the core of my being. I can feel him pushing deeper inside me, his girth wedging between my cheeks, but the buildup inside me is such a glorious distraction, I focus on that. I focus on Rex’s labored breathing behind me, the tickle of his pubic hair brushing between my legs, the weight of his sac where it eventually presses againstme.
“Who’s taking your ass, girl?” he grates into my neck. “Who’s got every fat inch of his cock inside the pretty dancing angel from thestage?”
“Uncle Rex,” I whimper. “H-hedoes.”
He rears back and punches his hips forward, springing tears to my eyes. “Can you hold our little secret as tight as you’re gripping thisdick?”
“That’s real good, niece. Because I shouldn’t be anywherenearthis hole.” He grinds into me and lets out a throaty shout. “Shouldn’t be fuckin’ none of them. Shouldn’t even bethinkingaboutthem.”
The tempo of his fingers has escalated along with the aggression in his voice and I’m…I’m at a breaking point I’ve never reached before. I’ve touched myself in the dark when no one is home, but the results have only beensort ofsatisfying. Maybe because I hadn’t met a man who actually turned me on before. I’ve been blindly anticipating somethingmoresince I walked out onto the back patio and found Uncle Rex smoking his cigar. “I’m going to…I-I don’t know. Please don’tstop.”
“You don’t know?” He laughs without humor into the crook of my neck and continues to fondle me between the legs while pumping in and out of my backside. “I’m not just going to hell, I’ll be seated at the right hand ofLucifer.”
Until now, there’s been a slow build of the pleasure inside me, but when Rex seems to lose his grip on his control behind me, that’s when the tide rises with a vengeance. He snarls into my hair, his teeth searching for my ear to clamp down on. He’s a bucking beast, the brutality of his drives making a dent in the hood around the outline of my body. My feet come off the ground, lifted by his hips, one thigh being wrenched wide by Rex’s freehand.
I open my mouth on the hood of the car and begin to sob. Half because the pressure he’s inflicting on me hurts. Half because it feelsso goodwhen paired with his fingers on my clit.Oh my God. Whatever’s coming is going to split me down the middle and I’m ready for the pleasure/pain. “I want it. I want it.I wantit.”
This time, his laughter is dark. “Mommy and Daddy don’t know you’re a little cock slut, do they, Clara?” He licks up the side of my neck. “But Uncle Rex knows all about it, doesn’t he? Yes, hedoes.”
An explosion takes place inside me, so powerful that I can’t even scream. Can’t evenmove. My muscles tighten like drums and I tremble violently, pleasure rushing through me in scalding waves. Am I shaking or is that the car? My clitoris throbs, my walls clench so tight, I slap a hand down on the car hood and writhe,writheto combat it. In the distance I hear Rex give a choked shout, then warmth attacks me from another direction. His. I want him to drown me in it. Never want to stop experiencing his huge body jerking and cursing on top of me, his hot sac branding my ass like a cattlestamp.
Moments later, even though he straightens my clothes with gentle hands and pulls me back into the heat of his chest…I can still sense the ongoing battle in hishead.
Perhaps because I only reach his shoulder, he doesn’t realize I’m prepared forwar.
Chapter Six