Page 24 of Riley & Kane: Complete Set
My toe catches on a brick and I goflying.
You see, this is why safety appeals to me so much. I’m a disaster. A walking, talking disaster that should be wrapped in bubble wrap or kept indoors. Ever since I was a toddler, I have found my way into messes, scrapes and broken bones. I don’t mean to—honestly. My mother says God forgot to give me balance. Isn’t that terribly sad? It’s hard not to believe her some days,though.
Especially now, when I’m about to hit the patio and probably sprain a wrist—again—or earn a gash on my chin. Butno…
Rex catchesme.
And when I look up into his ogre-style frown? Angels. They startsinging.
“What in the good goddamn is wrong with you,girl?”
His voice. It’s ashes and soot. A rusted gate swinging open. It shouldn’t make me feel as though I’ve landed on a fluffy cloud sent from heaven, but it does.Wow.“God didn’t give me any balance. Isn’t that terrible?” I whisper. “I save loose change in a jar so I can go to Paris one day and see the Eiffel Tower, but I keep having to cash it in for Band-Aids.”
In my flushed and flustered state, my words have come out in a high-pitched jumble, but he still seems to comprehend all right. I think. Those narrowed eyes are sweeping over me and lingering in my sensitive places, a tick-tock beginning in his cheek. “When I asked what was wrong with you, I meant you shouldn’t be out here in the cold wearing nothing butpajamas.”
“This is a dress,silly.”
He gives a low grunt and when he speaks again, his voice has dropped to a scraping baritone. “Ain’t like no dress I’veseen.”
Oh God. He thinks I’m sexy, doesn’t he? Boys have asked me out before and I’ve even gone on a few movie dates. Having them stare at my boobsneverfelt like this, though. As if I’m seconds from being carried off into the shadows. I should tell him who I am. Right this very second. But he would stop holding me if I did that. I’m not even sure he realizes I’m still locked in his arms, my side pressed against his hard, unmovable body. “It’s my favorite color,” I say, instead of the right thing. “That’s why I boughtit.”
“Pink, huh?” Those eyes trace down lower, where the hem of my dress brushes my upper thighs. “Sweet babypink.”
I squeeze—squeeze—my legs together. It’s like going over the steep drop of a roller coaster. “I lied.” I lean up to whisper against his ear. “Theyarepajamas.”
There’s a harsh rasp in his throat—and then my world tilts. Rex turns my body and jerks me up against him, leaving my tiptoes scraping on the brick, my breasts plumped where they meet his chest. “Youeighteen?”
“Yes,” Iwhimper.
His hips tilt and his big penis presses into my stomach, a long groan leaving his mouth. “That ain’t another lie, isit?”
“If you’re at this party with your daddy or a husband, best tell menow.”
Technically, the man inside isn’t my father—not by birth, anyway—and I’m definitely not married. I’ve never even had a boyfriend. I’m being a little dishonest not clarifying who I am, but I’m too excited to find out what happens next. Tingles are racing up and down my back, sliding up my thighs, making my breasts feel heavy. More. I need more. “I’m not here with a daddy or a husband.” I wet my lips and feel his flesh jerk between us. “Why d-do you want toknow?”
With a slow headshake, his hands travel to my backside and mold it roughly. “I’ve been on the boat for months, nursing my own hand. Now some cute little thing lands in my lap, trying to flirt the come straight up my cock.” He lifts me higher and seats me on top of his erection, bouncing me on it with a hard thrust. “I’m fitting to send you back to the party with smeared lipstick,girl.”
Chapter Two
And here Ithought this party was going tosuck.
Couldn’t believe my damn eyes when this little fuck princess came toward me in the backyard, wobbling around in her sparkly high heels. I figured she was coming to tell me I couldn’t smoke in this rich, uppity neighborhood. She fell into my arms instead, beaming up at me like I was her lord and savior when I caught her. Kind of messed me up in the chest area, if I’m being truthful. Maybe she’s blind andthat’swhy she tripped? Because I’m not exactly a knight in shining armor. I’m the enemy that enters battle with blood in his beard. Least that’s the reaction I normally get from women. Wariness or…the desire to give me ahaircut.
Not this one, though. This doe-eyed brunette with titties like a jerk-off magazine centerfold has both legs wrapped around me, her sexy lips parted with excitement. Christ. She’s going to let me fuck her in my brother’s backyard, ain’tshe?
The reminder of why I’m really here is an unwelcome one. I don’t want to think about my asshole brother or why I continue to feel obligated to maintain some kind of relationship, good or bad. It’s the guilt that keeps me calling on holidays. Guilt that had me finally accepting an email invitation to help celebrate his amazing life, free of the family that dragged him down.Me.
Don’t want to think of that, though. I only want to think about the sweet little knockout in my arms and getting my first decent nut in months. Hell, she’s going to be my best nut, period, the end, and that’s reason enough to give responsibility the middle finger and find a place where I can get my hurting cock inside of her. Ineedher.
“I think…” She glances back over her shoulder. “I think there might be a poolhouse…”
Without waiting for her to finish, I start in that direction, figuring if she’s friends with my brother and his wife, she must have been here before, for pool parties or whatever the hell rich folks get up to. Not that I don’t make a damn mint myself trapping crabs, but I sure as shit don’t act stuffy about it, throwing soirées and the like. “You wear a bathing suit around men and ain’t nobody locked you down. How the hell isthat?”
“At the last pool party, I slipped on the diving board—on myfirst dive—and had to be taken to the emergency room for stitches.” She lays her head on my shoulder and I get hit with another weird chest squeeze. Lord, I feel like a thug kidnapping the princess from her tower. “People stay away so they don’t get sucked into my vortex ofdoom.”