Page 19 of Riley & Kane: Complete Set
“Who protectsyou?”
“You,” she rasps, her body stringing tight as a bow. “Myking.”
I pump deep and grind my base on her clit. “Who fucksyou?”
“Who lovesyou?”
“You!” Lainey screams, her body vibrating with an orgasm. “God. Oh, God. I love you,too.”
“Coming inside my princess,” I grit out, my cock jerking to let out the seed. Knots in my lower back and stomach loosen, that insistent, lust-crazed pressure easing. And it should spell relief for me, but I want to brand her with more than my body. I press our heads together and let her feel me shake. “Feel what you do to me? You make your giant tremble,” I say against her mouth. “That’s nothing compared to what you do to my heart.Nothing.”
She kisses me, moisture leaking from her eyes. “You do the same tomine.”
My heart brims with contentment. The kind that lastsforever.
6 monthslater…
Idigthrough my makeup bag trying to find mypills.
“Carver,” I call out, and he's there within seconds. “I can't find my pills,” I say as I rifle through the medicine cabinet thinking maybe I put them away. Carver starts looking, too. “I swear they were right here.” I went on the pill after we found out I wasn’t pregnant. Wanting to still have little bit more time to ourselves but lately I’ve been second guessingit.
I point next to my toothbrush, which is where I always leave them. They never move from that spot. Carver lifts up the bathroom mat as if they could somehow have fallen under there. I study his movements around the bathroom as he looks behind the shower curtain and my suspicions are raised. I smell something fishy as I watch him look for my pills in the craziestplaces.
I clear my throat to make him look at me and wait for him to turn around. I put my hands on my hips and narrow my eyes. “Carver.”
A hint of a blush coats his cheeks. I had a feeling this was coming and I’m not even shocked. Nor do I even really care. Having his babies isn’t something that’s scary for me. I just wanted to wait until we weresettled.
“You don't need them and I don't like them,” he finally says, his voice low and defiant. “They keep me from breeding you. I don’t like that they stop me from making youmine.”
I have to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling. “If we have a baby I can't give you all my attention,” I remindhim.
“I want a family with you, and that means sharing your attention.” He caresses the small patch of skin above the waist of my jean shorts. “I know you want a baby, too. I want to see your belly round andpregnant.”
“You want me to get fat and waddle around?” I laugh. I love mycaveman.
“You could use some more meat on your bones.” His hands move to my hips now, gripping me on bothsides.
I’ve always been small, but I still find reasons to provoke him. I love when he goes a littlecrazy.
“You don’t like the way I look?” I glance up at him through my lashes and watch as his eyes grow big and I see him start to panic that he might have upsetme.
“You’re perfect,” he says before clenching hisjaw.
“Well you justsaid—”
He cuts me off by picking me up and setting my ass on the bathroomcounter.
“I want something that’s both you and me together.” He cups my face with gentle hands and I see the pleading look in hiseyes.
“I like the sound of that,” I admit. This man is my everything. “All you had to do wasask.”
His eyes light up and he has the biggest smile as he carries me from the bathroom to our bed. His face hovers over mine for a moment and he opens his mouth but closes it. He looks like wants to say something, but he can’t spit it out. Finally, he shakes his head and saysit.