Page 100 of Riley & Kane: Complete Set
This young girl had a future. Gavin had guaranteed his best friend she would achieveit.
He needed to focus on that and stop imagining his tongue in places it didn’t belong. Her exuberance had brought him back to the land of the living after endless deployments, and he wouldn’t let her down. Wouldn’t subject her to his growing needs. That meant handsoff.
“You’re so quiet,” Tawny murmured, sliding her tight ass onto the kitchen table, giving him a view of her barely covered cunt. “What are you thinkingabout?”
Gavin swallowed. “I’ve got a new wave of recruits landing on base today.” He forced himself to swallow a bite of eggs. “I’m thinking about how I’m going to scare the shit out ofthem.”
Her eyes sparkled and once again, the old Tawny made an appearance. “You’re going to give them the General Hoppertreatment.”
He smiled at her. “Damn right Iam.”
The moment stretched, but Tawny seemed to catch herself and the indifference returned. “Poor saps. I know how they feel. I get the General Hopper treatment twenty-four-seven.”
A weight pushed down on his chest. “I’m a little overprotective, but it’s all in the interest of keeping you out of dangerous situations.” He took another bite, watching her closely as he talked around it. “I’m not that bad, amI?”
“I don’t know. Let’s find out.” She ran a finger around the rim of her coffee mug. “I booked a modeling gig today. That’s where I’m going in this outfit,General.”
Something dark and dangerous reared up inside Gavin. “The hell you are,baby.”
They both sucked in a breath at the endearment, which hadn’t been intentional. Not at all. But when he’d thought of another person—male or female—taking pictures of Tawny, he’d thoughtno one is going near what’s mine with a fucking cameraand the word had slippedout.
Tawny raised an eyebrow. “Baby?”
Forgetting about the ruthless hard-on in his pants, Gavin stood, planting his fists on either side of Tawny’s hips. “Do you need money? Is that why you decided to flauntyour…”
Her cheeks were turning pink. “Flaunt mywhat?”
Every ounce of blood in his veins was rushing south. “Your body,” he growled, unable to stop himself from looking. Fucking Christ, those perky tits were almost peeking over the neck of her tight T-shirt. One bounce on his dick and they’d come right out. “No one looks atthis.”
“No one butyou?”
Jesus, was Gavin imagining the hopefulness in her tone? Yeah. A product of his wishful thinking. This gorgeous eighteen-year-old couldn’t want anything to do with him. “Noone.”
Her lips flattened into a line. “I can do whatever I want. I’m anadult.”
Gavin snorted. “By the skin of your teeth.” His hands found her knees and dragged her closer on the table, even as warning bells went off in his head. “You need money, you’ll get it from me. I take care of you. That’s my job.” He brought their faces together, wondering why she seemed so out of breath all of a sudden. Was she not feeling well? “No modeling, Tawny. I forbidit.”
Several seconds passed, their exhales pelting one another’s lips. That’s when Gavin remembered his erection. How close it was to the snug pussy between her legs. With the will of ten men, he jerked away and sat backdown.
Tawny stared straight ahead, her beautiful tits rising and falling. “Fine,” she said, finally, hopping off the table and stomping out of the kitchen. “I won’t doit.”
Chapter Two
Oh,she was going to the modelinggig.
Putting a convincing act on for Gavin was essential, however, because if the big, bad four-star general turned babysitter believed for one second she was lying, he’d track down the photographer she’d met in the mall and murder him with his barehands.
On second thought, that might be pretty entertaining. Gavin was built like a mountain of muscle, age doing nothing to detract from his ruggedness. God, no. Age added to his appeal. His life experiences were written on his face, etched into his thick arms and thighs, inked onto his body in the form of wicked black military tattoos. Just thinking about the mixture of gray and black hair covering his body sent Tawny’s fingers coasting down her belly, her fingertips grazing her sex through her shorts. Then she thought of him telling her she was only an adult by the skin of her teeth and she grew frustrated all overagain.
Tawny swiped the tears from her eyes and stomped a little bit more on the bedroom floor for good measure, knowing it would echo through the ground floor. As soon as Gavin left the house, she was going to the modeling job purely to piss him off. It was the latest and greatest step in her plan to snap the leash on Gavin’s control and turn him into a stark, raving lunatic. Surely today would be the day he finally lost hiscool.
What would happen when he finally did? Well that was something Tawny had been fantasizing about since the day Gavin walked into her father’s funeral. Okay, maybe not that exact day, since she wasn’t an unfeeling monster and she’d loved her father dearly. But shortly after she’d moved into the general’s house, she’d begun noticing her body in new ways. Every time Gavin walked around in loose, gray sweatpants, the outline of his huge penis made her panties uncomfortably wet. Every time they accidentally brushed arms, her nipples would turn into stiff, little peaks. Oh God. His mouth. The simple act of watching him chew across the kitchen table made her rub herself against the chairindecently.
Was this normal? No. She’d spoken to enough friends to know this chemical reaction didn’t happen every day. And it was made stronger by the pull in her chest whenever Gavin smiled. Whenever she opened the fridge and saw he’d bought her favorites at the store. Or how he basically had a panic attack if she so much as skinned her knee. He cared for her so thoroughly, she never had to vocalize her needs. He simply fulfilledthem.
Except forone.