Page 47 of Secret Obsession (Men in Charge)
“What the fuck are you talking about?” He plays dumb.
“I saw you, Wes. Son of a bitch. I didn’t think you would do that shit, not to Raquel. A few weeks ago, you were asking for money to put toward your wedding. Nan, Pops, and I got the money together. The fucking check is in the house. Then I’m driving home and see you with someone who is anything but your fiancée.”
“Oh, that’s fucking rich coming from you. Look at you with your holier-than-thou bullshit. My dad is with my ex-girlfriend. How long has this been going on, huh?” Wes counters.
“Not long. We’re still new. But you can bet your ass my eyes and dick don’t wander, unlike yours.” A low blow coming from a dad to his son.
“Whatever. Get off your high horse. It wasn’t you who didn’t have a mom in his life growing up.” This fucking kid. I swear if he weren’t mine, his ass would be laid the hell out.
“And you think what? Having a mom who wanted nothing to do with a kid would have been better, or bringing in a string of women through the house would have worked?” I ask, not understanding where this shit is coming from. Is it a defense mechanism to bring up his childhood? I mean, man, you do the best you freaking can, and this is the shit your boy hurls at you?
“Wow, tell me how you really feel. I want to know the truth, Dad. How long have you been fucking Josie?” I grunt. He’s not getting that out of me. Unlike my son, I don’t put my shit on display for the whole fucking town to see.
“Boy, get some damn manners and get the fuck out of my house. You wanna be a disrespectful dick to me, have at it, but you won’t do it to Josie. Fix your shit, tell Raquel the truth, and let her go because, man, she deserves so much more than what you’re giving her.” I spin around, giving him my back, needing that beer. Hell, I could go for a bottle of tequila right about now.
“Fuck you. Fuck all of you. You’ve got no idea what it’s like!” He is getting louder, and if we don’t wrap this up, the neighbors will be coming out.
“I think it’s time for you to head on out, cool off, and we’ll talk later.” Christ, I really do not want Josie to hear the shit Wes will spew out of his mouth if this progresses more.
“Nah, I’m only getting started, and this is getting good.” His eyes move to the door off the garage. Mine do the same, and fuck me sideways, this evening is going to be one for the record books.
“Oh shit, I’ll let you guys get back to your discussion,” I tell both Gaines men. The younger Gaines looks like he’s about to blow a gasket, while the one who I still feel on every inch of my body is as cool as a cucumber, body leaning against one of his worktables along the back of the garage, arms on top of one another along his thick muscled chest. When I heard the yelling, my first thought was that Trace injured himself. It had me shoving my laptop off to the side, running through the house, and flinging open the door, having no idea the shit storm I was stepping into.
“Stay. It seems you and my dad here are in some kind of relationship. Tell me, Josie, were you spreading your legs for my dad but not me?” The pit in my stomach explodes. While yes, Trace and I were not innocent parties in the short relationship I had with his son, that was uncalled for. My feet move before reality sets in. I’m charging toward Wes, my hand already up and ready to smack some decency into the asshole spouting off checks that his bank can’t cash.
“You’re an asshole. Thirty something years old, and you’re the one fucking around, yet you want to ask me that question. You’re the slut in this equation. Seems like you’re the one who hasn’t changed, Wes.” My voice is raised. A few more steps, and I’ll be within reaching distance of the asshole. “Babe, no, don’t give him that satisfaction, don’t hurt yourself, not over this.” Trace has his arm banded around my stomach, pulling my back into his chest. I’m still full of venom, ready to kick ass and take names.
“Nice jacket, Josie. Did you earn that from when I brought you home in college?” How can he be so freaking mean? I mean, wow. Wes has absolutely no room to talk. The stories I could spew right now, and not even about our measly time together either. Oh no, he made a name for himself all over our college campus, and it wasn’t a small community.