Page 3 of Walker (Iron Tzars MC)
Yeah. I’d keep telling myself that as I remembered this kiss for the rest of my fucking life. Remember. And wonder what could have been if I had been any kind of decent human being with an ounce of tenderness inside me any longer.
When I pulled back, her eyes were wide with shock, and I felt like more of an ass than I had before. “Now. You can see you’re not ready for a man like me. You’ll never be ready.” I backed up and scrubbed a hand over my mouth. “Christ! I don’t know why Sting keeps letting you in, but this is a closed club, Blossom. No one is allowed in here unless you’re either a member or a club whore. Everyone is held to certain standards, and it’s enforced. You don’t belong here. You don’t belong with me. Get me?”
“I…” She bit her lip nervously. I could tell she was doing her best to recover from what was basically an assault. I also watched in fascination as she licked her lips like a cat licking cream from her whiskers. Her fingers went to her lips, and she brushed them once before seeming to realize what she was doing and dropping her hand back to her side. “I mean, Iris said it was OK.” Her voice was soft and a little shaky. Good. Maybe I’d made my point.
“Of course, she said it was OK. How’s she gonna fuckin’ tell you no? Sting probably lets you stay because Iris hasn’t been his woman that long, and he doesn’t want to start things out pissin’ her off with layin’ the law down about outsiders comin’ in the club.”
I didn’t miss her wince, but she rebounded quickly.
“Sting did say I was restricted to the common room of the clubhouse only, and that I had to call ahead so someone could escort me onto the property. I have to give the guys at the gate my cell phone before I enter, and Wylde checks me for listening devices and other electronics before I’m allowed inside. I always follow the rules, and Sting said that, as long as I did, I could continue to visit the women.” She finally took a breath. “I’m just trying to make friends.” Christ! She sounded so forlorn it nearly made me have a “feel.” I didn’t care if people got their feelings hurt by something I said. They didn’t like it, they needed to stay the fuck away from me. I wasn’t there to fucking babysit some rich bitch who was slumming. ’Cause, really. Young women who drove late-model Lincolns definitely came from money.
“Uh-huh.” I leaned down. “I’m not your friend. I’m not gonna be your friend. You might be the old ladies’ pet, but that don’t mean you’re one of us. Now, get the fuck away from me.”
She looked at me like I’d slapped her, and I tried to convince myself it was for her own good even as I knew it was for my own good. The girl was too sexy for my peace of mind and far too needy. Even if I was looking for a woman, I wouldn’t choose her for more than a quick romp in the hay, and I didn’t think she was built that way. Besides, she was way the fuck too young for me. She needed to learn this lesson. Now.
I hated that she bit her lip and looked away, and there was a pang in my gut for being such an asshole to her. Blossom was really a sweet girl. But that was the problem. She was sweet. And she was a girl. I needed a woman. Blossom might be in her early twenties or something, but she was anything but an experienced woman. The child just screamed innocence. Aside from that, she was sexy as fuck. Curves in all the right places, lush, full lips made for sucking a man’s cock. I could almost see her sinking to her knees in front of me, taking out my dick, and wrapping that beautiful mouth around it while I fisted her hair in my hands and fucked her mouth deep. I nearly groaned at the way that thought affected me. Last thing I needed was that image stuck in my fucking head.
“Look,” I said, trying to soften the blow without apologizing. That’d only encourage her. “You need to move on. Go find someplace to hang out where you… I don’t know. Fit in. Find boys your own age to pester. I’m sure they’ll appreciate how sweet you can be when you’re not butting in someplace you’re not wanted.”
“Ouch,” she said as she winced. “Tell me how you really feel, Walker.” It was a muttered response. Not something I needed to comment on.
“You’ll be a lot better off.”
“Yeah. I don’t really need guys my own age. That would never work.” It was an odd thing to say, but she didn’t elaborate. Instead, she flashed me a brilliant smile. “Good talk, Walker. Have a nice day!”