Page 43 of Servant to the Spidae
A finger rubs in and out of my ass, teasing, but then they’re all slipping away and I’m being peppered with kisses once more. “Are you ready for us?” asks Ossev.
“All three of us?” Zaroun nips at my shoulder.
“In all of your pretty holes, sweet Yulenna?” Neska grips my hips and rubs his cock against the cleft of my backside, and it sends a bolt of sheer yearning through me.
I nod, beside myself with need. All I know is that I need more than teasing touches from the three of them. I needeverything.
“Bed,” someone says, and I don’t know who it is.
In the next moment, the room shifts and shimmers and then we’re upstairs, the edge of the mattress touching my knees. I stagger forward, hands planting against the center of the bed.
“Look how eager she is,” Neska purrs. A hand strokes down my back, cupping my ass. “She’s hungry for all of us.”
“Yes,” I agree. “Please.”
It’s true. I can’t wait for more. I need this like I need air.
But when no one reaches for me, I whimper a needy protest and turn around to face them. “I want to be with all three of you, my lords.”
Zaroun is still as a pillar. Ossev isn’t looking at me, but at Neska. The silver-eyed fate blinks once, but is otherwise still. “Patience, sweet mortal. We are convening.”
Convening? Are they having an argument over who gets to touch me first? Are they arguing in their minds?Now?When I’m so needy and close to an intense climax? Their timing is terrible. Fine then. If they need convincing, I’m happy to apply my skills to do so. I sink to my knees in front of Neska, taking his slippery cock in my mouth and sucking on him eagerly. He tastes like oil and herbs, but it’s not an unpleasant taste. It’s one that makes me think of sex, and I moan even as I take him deep into my throat, one hand wrapped around the base of his shaft.
He makes a startled sound, and a hot, salty splash hits the back of my throat. I keep sucking on him, reaching for the closest person as I do. It’s Zaroun, and when I caress his cock, he eagerly moves forward so I can touch him better.
“She did tell us she was eager,” Ossev says, stroking a stray hair back from my face. There’s a tone of approval in his voice. “Take charge, Neska. Tell us where we should be to pleasure her the most.”
I quiver, my pussy clenching tight at the thought. I like how he phrases it, too. It’s not “tell us where we can get off” but “tell us where we can give Yulenna the most pleasure.” It makes me feel like I’m in control even though there’s three gods to one mortal.
“Zaroun,” Neska manages, even as I bob my head over his cock. He’s still leaking into my mouth and showing no signs of softening. I know from experience that he can come repeatedly without flagging, so I hollow my cheeks and keep sucking even as I gaze up at him.
Zaroun’s breath catches, my hand moving over his slippery length. Without lifting my head, I reach for Ossev, too. He’s only too happy to press his shaft into my seeking hand, and then I’ve got all three of them at once. The same charged energy that fills the room seems to float through me, sending prickles of delight through my body and making my nipples tighten. I moan around Neska’s cock.
“Shh, shh,” he tells me. “Patience. We will make it worth it.”
My eyes flutter shut, loving the sweet, doting tone of voice he uses as he cups my chin. Gods, but I love putting my guard down enough to serve.
“Eyes open,” he tuts, tapping my cheek. “Part of the pleasure is the watching, yes? I know you like to watch.”
I whimper, because it’s true.
Neska pins me in place with his intense silvery gaze. His cock feels enormous in my mouth, and it takes everything I have to keep my jaw slack so I can keep him in place. Saliva pools at the corners of my mouth and leaks down my chin. I’m a mess. But Neska only smiles at the sight, as if the knowledge that I’m losing control just to suck on him pleases him greatly.
“Do you want her ass, Ossev?”
My hand involuntarily squeezes around his cock, and Ossev strokes my hair, groaning. “You know I do.”
“Then Zaroun will lie upon the bed and our sweet Yulenna will mount him and take his cock into her cunt. When she’s settled upon him, you will mount her from behind and please her that way.”
Oh gods. My pussy clenches around nothing, and I feel so empty and aching. How I want this.
“And you?” Ossev asks.
“I like where I am.” He smiles down at me, the look that of a controlling master, and it nearly makes me come. “She can keep suckling me, can’t you, sweet mortal?”
I manage to nod even as he pushes deeper into my mouth, eager to please.
“Good girl,” he breathes, and I swear my pussy gets even wetter.