Page 14 of Servant to the Spidae
Interesting. “What did I call you?”
“Zaroun,” he says in a dreamy voice. “You called me Zaroun.”
I did? Oh, I like that. “It means ‘dusk’ in my mother’s language,” I tell him, pleased at my own cleverness.
“I know.”
“Zaroun,” I purr, working his cock. “Do you want me to make you come again?”
He shudders against me and nods.
I staywith Zaroun for a long time, making him come twice more and then just stroking his hair as he lies on the floor and puts his head in my lap. It’s the most satisfying afternoon I’ve had in a long time, and when he guiltily starts to glance over at the webs, I realize he needs to get back to work. Using the excuse of my growling stomach, I tell him I need to leave. He doesn’t watch me as I go, but reaches for my hand, his face carefully turned away.
“You’ll come back?” he asks.
“Tomorrow,” I promise. “I’ll come back tomorrow.”
He doesn’t respond to that, but it feels as if his fingers are reluctant to let mine go, and Ileave his chambers with a smile on my face. I head back down to the kitchens, humming a Rastana tune to myself and dust my skirts off. For a tower that exists outside of time, how is it that there’s so much dust on everything? It truly confounds the mind.
I wonder if Zaroun would let me dust his chamber for him, or if that’s too pushy of me. I don’t want the Spidae to feel as if I’m usurping their tower or their personal spaces, but at the same time, I want to make this more of a home. I want it to be more comfortable.
We’ll all be more comfortable without dust on everything.
Before I can get very far, I feel a presence beside me as I move down the curving ramp that leads downward through the tower. Is it Zaroun, returning to my side? I look up—
—piercing gray eyes meet mine.
I should have known. Of the three Spidae, the gray-eyed one seems to be the most dominant…and the most possessive. The look on his face is hard and slightly offended, his elegant nostrils flaring with distaste. “What did you do?”
I go still at his accusing tone, fear skittering up my spine. Have I offended one of them by showing preference? Did I do something wrong? “My lord? I do not understand.”
His expression grows even more frustrated. “Why is it that around my brother you are all smiles, yet when I approach you show fear?” His tone changes, becoming vaguely petulant. “Why do you have no smiles for me?”
Blinking, I stand there in shock. “I-I didn’t realize, my lord. I am happy to smile for you—”
The gray-eyed god waves a hand irritably. “Well, it’s not the same if I demand it of you, now is it?”
He sounds like a jealous lover. Considering that the only thing I’ve done differently is touch his other aspect, I’m puzzled (and a tiny bit amused) at his reaction. “I am confused, my lord Fate. Am I not to serve all of you?”
“You are,” he says, his tone full of ice. “But it is to be equal amongst us.”
Is it not equal? Both the blue-eyed Spidae and the gray-eyed god before me now have used my body for their pleasure multiple times since I arrived. I don’t see how me spending one afternoon with Zaroun—their dark-eyed aspect—will somehow skew things out of balance. “I’m afraid I don’t understand—”
“You did something different,” the Spidae accuses me, drawing himself up to his full height. “I can feel his mind, and it is no longer as wild as it normally is. He has contentment. Happiness. I want to know what it is you did to him.” He leans in. “And why you favor him above myself.”
I draw back as he looms over me. I’m genuinely confused now. “Why do you think I favor him more than you? Because I gave him a name? You asked for me to call you my lord Fate and I have done so faithfully.”
His mouth purses and he gives me a hard look. “You pleasured him. With your mouth.”
Oh. He’s jealous of that? “I can do that for you too, of course. You simply have to ask.” Even though we’re standing in the hall, I sink to my knees in front of him and patiently wait for him to lift his robes. “I am at your service.”
“But you reached for him,” he says. “You reached for him and you smiled. You volunteered. You never volunteer for me. I do not understand what is different.”
I reach for his robe, and he immediately grabs my wrist, his hand ice cold against my skin. “It is not the same, do you understand?”