Page 77 of Little Girl Vanished
Like Eddie Johnson.
Chapter 23
“What?” Louise asked, narrowing her eyes as she watched me. “You know something.”
“Maybe, maybe not. But I need to ask more questions before I can be certain.”
“Don’t hold out on us,” she exclaimed.
“Ava’s best friend says the girls were spending their recess after lunch with the school janitor, Eddie Johnson. He’s a young guy in his mid-to-late twenties. The friend swears nothing inappropriate happened, but it was inappropriate for him to spend time alone with a couple of twelve-year-old girls in the first place, and she seems to realize that. I’m guessing she’s worried about getting in trouble. Besides, there were a few opportunities for the janitor to spend time alone with Ava when Casey was sick.” I turned to Drew. “Have you heard anything about him?”
He gave it a moment then said, “No, but I’m new enough to the force and Jackson Creek that I might have missed something.”
Nate rejoined us, placing my glass and his on the table as he sat down. “I forgot to ask what you preferred, but Malcolm seemed to remember which beer you’d ordered before.”
Louise gave me a concerned look.
“Don’t make too big of a deal out of it,” I said as I reached for the glass.
“So what did I miss?” Nate asked, looking relaxed as he took a sip.
“Do you know anything about Eddie Johnson, the elementary school janitor?”
Nate frowned and was silent for a moment. “Nope, don’t think I’ve heard of him. Why?” His brow lifted. “Shit. Is he important to your case?”
“Your case?” Drew asked, lifting his eyebrows.
“Surely you’ve figured out that Harper is looking into Ava’s disappearance,” Louise said.
“No,” Drew said carefully. “I hadn’t.” He turned to look at me. “You could get in trouble for that.”
I gave him a sly look. “Only if I’m caught.”
Who had I become? Miss By-the-Books was turning into a liar and a sneak. But I’d also been a social drinker and workaholic. That was me then.
This was who I was now.
Drew made a face, glancing down at his beer bottle.
I still needed to talk to Eddie Johnson before Casey LaRue’s parents went to the principal or possibly the police tomorrow, but I didn’t know where he lived. It wasn’t in the school directory, and I hadn’t found it on the internet.
I lowered my voice. “Can one of you get his home address?”
Both of them remained silent. Finally, Louise asked, “Why?”
“Isn’t it obvious?”
She flicked her gaze to Drew, who sat motionless. Her eyes drifted back to me. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
I understood her concern. If it got back to her boss or Chief Larson that one of them had used their department resources to give me a citizen’s home address, they could get in trouble, and possibly be fired. There was also a chance that he was the kidnapper, in which case I might screw up evidence that could convict him. But I’d been trained as an officer. I’d keep that in mind.
“I might be able to get it,” Nate said.
We all turned to him in surprise.
“I dated the school secretary last year. Things ended on a good note, so she might be willing to help.”
“How can you break up with someone on a good note? I always leave them weeping for more,” Louise said flippantly, reminding me she was younger and less jaded than I was about romance.